Best actions needed to be taken for a positive change

It is really a privilege to be part of this #qotw dropped by @ecotrain which is lovely and amazing for others to showcase their thoughts and solutions towards a particular issue or problems happening around the world. I really appreciate their effort towards it.

There are so many things that needs changes around us or around the world that isn't proper and definitely needs a positive solution towards it.


There are few issues I will like to discuss that needs solutions or actions to eradicate it.


It is quite known that poverty is one of the main issue affecting most people in the world especially Africa where it is a major problem that affects so many other things that deprives one from moving forward.

The problem behind this is lack of jobs which is a major problem affecting the people to fall to that aspect. I believe if somethings or solution are been done it will reduce the population of poverty rate among the people.

Best actions needed to eradicate the poverty rate.

job opportunities

This definitely have not been new that jobs opportunites need to be created so as the poor masses can have something doing in other to have something to feed on or depend on and also in that aspect cater for the family as well. I believe with this idea it will definitely reduces the rate of poverty in the country.

Most advance country this is what help them to grow because most of them have jobs that are fetching them income to cater for themselves and the family and the poverty rate there is limited unlike Africa and Asia.


The children need to go to school to acquire skills to be self employed in some aspects instead of depending on others but this also need financial help to embark on. The action needed in this is to reduce the amount of fees in participating so that others who can not afford to attend can have the opportunity to do so like others because with this I believe there's hope when jobs are been created as well to follow the process after gaining more knowledge in school.

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