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USA Culture Shock Part 5: Fear Porn!

I've been out of the USA for three years and I just got back. I'm feeling a bit woozy. Will somebody give me a pill? I haven't listened to US propaganda TV for years. I think they're trying to tell me I should find a rock and hide underneath it until I drop dead, because EVERYTHING seems fear based!

It's on the radio, it's on every news channel, pick up a magazine or a newspaper; it's everywhere. There's a boogie man in every corner of the globe and they all want to destroy America. Vladamir Putin, Kim Jung Un, Communist China, and especially our very own publicly elected president Donald Trump.

Here are a few excerpts from recent conversations...

"I think we're heading to war with China". My reply "do you really think you're going to see China dropping bombs over Saratoga New York? "Well, they could nuke us".

"I went on vacation to Cancun. I loved it. We felt safe. We all had a great time" a friend of the family explained. I commented "that is one of my favorite places and I'm looking forward to going back." She replied "Oh, we'll never go back, I read an article about the crime in Mexico and it just scared me too much. I can't go back there now."

"Putin can't be trusted, we'll be at war with Russia before you know it"

"This country could erupt into civil war, especially if Trump is killed or impeached"

"I don't even feel comfortable going out in public anymore, you know there's a terrorist training camp just north of here"

"I couldn't travel how you do, it's just way too scary"

Between bike helmet laws, a drinking age of 21 where the rest of the world more or less doesn't even care, and having to pick up your dogs turd in fear of getting a fine. It seems like everyone is walking on egg shells. Let's not forget political correctness and the fear of offending people just by having an opinion. The fear of police is big too. You don't want to accidentally commit suicide by cop!

The level of fear and ignorance I see is mind boggling. People are experts in TV and sports; and generally repeat what they hear. Everyone talks from a fear based position. Everyone is angry about something. Nobody seems grateful about anything.

Looking forward to getting to Thailand, but I need to make the most of my time here and be positive. I am happily getting this culture shock off my chest. Thank you my steemit friends! Any comments or culture shock coping advice is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

World Travel Pro

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