Men And Women Are Equal But They Are Not The Same !


Don’t get me wrong but it is true.

Men and women are equal but they are not the same, they differ biologically and their minds are wired way differently, making them good at one things than the other.

Men and women are equally intelligent but their field of intelligence differs due to biological differences both the sexes have.

Let us see how Different they are and how it affects their ability to do some thing or the other.

1- Women and Men see world differently.

And I meant this in literal sense, Women have a greater vision for colors and they also have a wider peripheral vision than men with peripheral vision of almost 180 degrees.

That is the reason why they can easily differ between even a slight difference in colors and the reason why they are easily able to find things in a drawer full of stuff, this ability makes women a safe driver as when they drive they are able to see and perceive everything in 180 degree view.

Due to low peripheral vision men are easily able to focus on one thing and hence are not that good at finding stuff in the Almira, man have focused vision helping them to drive fast as they focus on one thing which also results in great destruction of car in an accident when compared to women.

This ability is the reason for making men excellent sharpshooters.

2- Women have a better sensory perception

Women have a better understanding of human behavior especially for those who they care about, that is the reason why they are quick to tell if their loved one is sad, lying or worse, cheating.

That also attributes to a great sense of smell in women due to which they make one of the best wine taster in the world.

Due to low sensory perception men are never able to understand what his life partner is thinking and hardly have a clue when she is cheating.

3- Men's brain works differently than women

Men’s brains tend to perform tasks predominantly on the left-side; this is the logical or rational side of the brain. Women, on the other hand, use both sides of their brains as they are easily able to transfer information between both hemispheres.

These differences makes some men good at math and other calculative task but reduces their multi-tasking skills, women can drive talk on the phone and apply make up at a single given time. Men are able to do that but only for few second and might result in an accident.


4- Women perceive pain differently then men

Women perceive the pain way more intensely then men, so if the same amount of pain will be exerted on men and women, women will feel it much more intensely.

5- Women have better and organized memory structure.

This is the main reason why she can remember why a fight with you 10 years back happened, men are good at processing the memories to but they are not that good at storing it in the brain.

6- Sex

For a men sex is mostly a visual and touch based process while a women uses all her senses while in the process, making them like or dislike sex based on them. While for men it is always a good sex.

I hope all of you got the basic Idea of what I am trying to convey here.



No more saying things like
Women can't drive or Men don't listen
Start respecting other sexes for what they are and not for what they aren't or just can't be.
I hope this helps you respect the other sex and you partners more than before.

P.s – I can happily provide sources if anybody is looking for them :)
Images are used under creative commons license
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