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Rewards: Fame and Popularity vs Privacy and Anonymity.


Well, I don't know why. But seems like there are an increasing bunch of people over here in Hive interested in knowing how I look like in the real life. For some time until now they have been suggesting me to make live vlogs. Encouraging me that I should post articles with selfies and showing actual pictures and photos of me throughout the content that I write. That at least I should change my avatar and put a real picture of me there and blahblahblah. That I should... that I should... erm... ¿doesn't it sounds a little weird and fishy to you?

And then I wonder...

¿Isn't this pic enough to show my inner beauty?

¿The internal and external one too?

Well, they say that if I do that, it would help me out to get more followers, more trust, more fidelity, more comments, more interaction, more engagement, more upvotes, more earnings, more money, more Hive & Hbds to power up and yadda yadda yadda. Should I trust and buy their assessments so quickly and so easily?

Well, the truth is that I'm not totally sure of that. Sometimes, the economic and financial situation in my country and the calamities & hardships that all of us around here have been going through way too often, occasionally has tempted me to give them the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they actually have authentic intentions to help me out. ¿Huh? What do you think their true intentions would be?

Yeah! all of them appears to be well-meaning chaps. I'm sure they mostly are. But, ¿can they guess the future? Sometimes I wonder from where they draw these conclusions that just by showing publicly my true self on this platform, things will change for the better. ¿Where are the proofs of it?

This may well be equally feasible that they all can be CIA-NSA-FBI-MI6-Mosad agents trying to set me up on an ambush and catch me out of guard to then throw my old bones into some dark dungeons or catacombs somewhere. ¿Isn't it? };)

Oh yeah! I'm well aware that I'm not Kevin Mitnick or someone so elusive and interesting as him. So these curious chaps may wish to put their claws and fangs on me. Although certainly I also have my hidden and daredevil history. But in any case, I am already elder enough that I have already learned many lessons on life. So, I'm willing to give you a few advices for free on this matter. Pay close attention please!

Despite my consequent love, praise and advocacy about maintaining privacy and anonymity at all cost online. And to keep curious cats, readers, admirers, fans, worshipers, willy-nilly groupies, inexperienced rookies, junkie veterans and similar 'sweethearts' like that at bay. I have an unique advice for all of you and for everyone else that concur with this fauna that I just named and whom probably are also reading this post.

What you have to know and you should already be totally and absolutely convinced of that. It is the fact that there is no such thing as upward popularity and a truly eternal and authentic fame. And much less openly exposing yourself at the public scrutiny of a huge bunch of absolute strangers who you don't have the slightest idea of who the hell they are or what their true intentions towards you might be in the very near future.

You can share all the data of your private life that you want on social networks. You can take and share the most beautiful and favorable selfies you want online. You can try to make and publish a lot of videos and vlogs where you show yourself such as you are and doing your stupid things in audiovisual format. You may want to share the innermost secrets of your intimate life on social networks like Hive in order to gain some sympathy, compassion, trust, a heap of upvotes and a lot of money doing so.

But you should never ever forget that all this sympathy, compassion, trust and many treats towards you is only ephemeral and temporary. Because everyone has always their own hidden agenda that only furthers and favors their own interests exclusively. And obviously, you are not and will never be one of their interests. At least not until they manage to seize and squeeze everything they can seize and squeeze out of you. And then, from that point onwards, you just will be one more of those disposable "15min celebrities" of the so many that can be found out there eventually for a dozen a dime.

Human relationships online, in public forums, on social networks & social media platforms and in the virtual world in general is nothing like what you imagine it to be. When you are sharing private data about your life showing how you look in real life through photos, videos and whatnot talking about what you like and dislike, what happens or does not happen to you in life and your aspirations and desires of what you would like to make happen to you. All of that is no more than pure wishful thinking, you know?

In a virtual and digital world. You are nothing more than a mere virtual and digital avatar too. Like so many that exist today throughout the internet. That today you can very well be here and tomorrow you won't be here anymore. One character that appears and disappears like swallows until one day you no longer appears in years. That today your name might be Adam and tomorrow you could very well be called Eva. Or Cain, Abel or whatever.

What you really have to nail down and get deep into your head. It is that either in the real, virtual or digital world. Human relationships are always the same. As long as humans are involved. All of them with their own virtues, flaws and defects. And who at some point they all will try to make you fall in love with them. And after a little while they all will deceive you, will lie to you, will trick you, will betray you and will take advantage of you all they can in some way as soon as they get tired of you and another one with better attributes and promises suddenly appears in the horizon that will call their attention much more than what you did it. Sorry! no more selfies for you dude!

In this world. In any of its solid, liquid or gaseous facets. Or what is the same. In the real, virtual or digital world. Everything is transitory, ephemeral and temporary. Nothing is permanent, nor constant, nor eternal nor immutable and lasting as some people would like to make you believe that certain things actually are like that.

For example, who told you that in Hive what is truly appreciated and well rewarded is true quality original content regardless of who creates it? ¿Are you a Hive content creator? A true content creator of valuable, original and quality stuff? ¿How's it going?

Alright, and how many selfies have you taken and posted on this platform? How many personal photos, videos and vlogs have you taken and made of yourself and your family showing with a little sign on your chest who you are supposed to be and who you would like to become in this ecosystem as soon as possible?

¿Have you made good "social" relationships?

Haven't you realized yet that anywhere you go. Be it in the real, virtual and digital world and as long as there are human beings roaming over there. Those who always move faster through the corporate ladder to reach their fifty minutes of fame. They are only the most skilled in the art of flattering, complimenting, asskissing, bootlicking and petting balls?

Those brown-nosers and sycophants that they will always hypocritically be willing to flatter you and exalt you always lying to you in procure to get the most out of you and squeeze all the favors you can provide them in retribution of their false blandishment and apparent servilism?

¡Watchout! and be very careful with the intimate and private information of your life that you publish out there online publicly in view of the whole world and that actually nobody really cares a sovereign damn about it except to try to take advantage of you as soon as they can perceive a possibility of doing it without you knowing it.

Because those who doesn't listen advices, they won't grow old. And at my age, I can assure you that if you do not like listen to advices, sooner than later you will regret by not having done it. But then, it will be already too late for useless regrets and purposeless remorses.

Then, one more time...

¿Privacy & Anonymity or Popularity & Fame?

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