In my mind no.07 Anxiety fear, how to cope [#29]

Thank You Agatha for this photo edit ❤️

Hello reader 🤩

Today's post is about why I stopped posting for few days.
Second part of the post about anxiety and hints on how to deal with it


I had to face myself.
The fear that grew in me for twenty-seven days of blogging. Instead of overworking the emotion, I put off and muffled the problem..

How it started.
I started writing this blog about a month ago as a lifestyle idea.
Such an exercise in reaching out to people, an experiment will I find myself in it. The first attempt to build a new world I believe in.

These have been unique weeks in my life.
Every day I slept much less than I need and I did not notice any sleep deficit. In the morning I was awakened by my own smile, growing from the bottom of my heart. I was realizing my biggest dream. I felt the full meaning of my life.

I am one of those people who suffer from perfectionism and have unreasonably high expectations of themselves. Since post number [#7] I have increased my demands beyond my abilities. It took me 6-8 hours of work to write each post. Not counting the first part of the day, when I spent time on reducing my anxiety about what to write and how to do it.

Taking on too much responsibility is irresponsible 😅

I was in the throes of fulfillment, like a berserker in constant adrenaline rush.
I wish I could predict the weight that would fall on me when I stop...

...The first two days were mentally difficult, but I knew it was only a matter of a few days before I would recover.


Working through anxiety

Treat yourself as if you were talking to your baby. Patiently, in love, acceptance, do not underestimate problems, even if they are ver irrational. Hints to help:

  • Intense effort / exercise
    What does primitive man do when he sees a lion? He is running!
    Get out of the house, if you don't like running, you can walk quickly. Imagine the fear stuck behind you. The farther/longer/faster, the better the results.
  • Finding an activity
    The worst thing is to give in to feeling and do nothing. Pulling your focus away from anxiety reduces the perception of it. Meditation can help, I wrote in the previous post how to learn to meditate. In particular, breathing meditation helps me with anxiety, you can search for guided meditation on the internet.
  • Conversation with relatives / specialist
    The nature of the vast majority of anxiety fears is that they are not the real problem. Most often it is an overinterpretation of our Monkey, which looks for threats and tries to wind up you as well. Often, getting out of our head and discussing the problem with someone outside is enough to realise the absurdity of a situation.
  • Cold water
    Some day I might post about cold, but for now google it! 👍

Awareness is the first step to recovery

As mentioned above, anxiety fears often seems to come out of nowhere.
It was the same with me, I did not know what I am so afraid of.

So I wrote down all the emotions I experienced and discussed them with myself. While practicing like this, think about what a true friend, the best of the best, would tell you.

Listen to his perspective and this is how you teach your thoughts to think positively.

If your inner voice was someone outside, would He speak like an enemy or a friend? Happy people are those who befriend the inner voice. You can train it!

  • So I wrote down all the emotions I felt:

-Disappeared purpose and meaning in life;
-Not ready to face problems;
-Longing for artistic expression;
-Not ready for the tasks I set for myself;
-Let me down;
-Inadequate to the conscious understanding of the situation;

I admit that the first two days after I stopped writing, I was simply morosely running away from the problem, playing games or some other stimulants. I even lit a cigarette, which I don't smoke anymore. Only after two days of decompression I found energy to start recovery with a self-care.

  • I talked all the emotions with myself.

  • I took a long night walk, brisk walking.

  • Sauna with loved ones.

  • I also took care of my happiness hormones:
    Dopamine - routine activities with focus on the effect.
    Endorphin - I listened to my favorite music, sang, danced.
    Oxytocin - I was playing with the cat, smiling at myself in the mirror.
    Similar topic about needs, that I wrote few days ago.

  • Than I took action

After writing down the emotions, it was easier for me to find out what the problem was.

It turned out that I found accurate, comforting words for each of the emotions.
Thinking from the perspective of 'how would I advise someone else who has my problem', I found a solution for myself.

Read Ya 👋

The main reason why I started this blog is to tell my story.
I've grown a lot thru my lifetime and learned things I believe should be taught in primary school, as a human right.
Teachings about basic human needs, self-discovery, search for passion, cooperation, need of tribe, love, how to grow, healthy lifestyle for both physical and mental health.
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