Advice for People Feeling Frustrated by Injustice and Suffering in the World

It’s all too easy to become frustrated and disillusioned with the sad world affairs that we are all exposed to these days through modern media. I see a lot of people struggling with the injustices and troubles that we see in the news, and these matters can feel like a significant burden to a lot of people who take them seriously. And I agree that they should be taken seriously, but I think that there is a better approach to not only deal with these things on a personal level, but also in trying to help alleviate some of the issues that we see.


Why do people struggle with these things?
The main issue is that people can see that things are not right, but feel helpless as to what they can do to help. They feel that the world is deteriorating environmentally, on a bad footing economically, at odds politically, ideologically and between religions, and they see no way that this can change towards the positive; and conclude that we are therefore doomed to eventual failure. But I think that it is possible, and it can all start with you.

Where can we find hope?
Hope comes from the understanding that the world is only the way it is because of the views and actions of the people in it. If we have a majority of fearful, self-oriented people, we create a predominantly fearful, self-oriented world, and that is what we find ourselves in.

The good news is that we always have the ability to make different choices to the ones we have been making. Therefore, positive change comes about when enough people have shifted their opinion on an issue to the point that they then become the majority and bring about real change.
Let’s take civil rights in USA as an example: Initially the majority believed that non-whites were an inferior race and that they should be treated as such; so that’s what we saw in the USA up until the mid 20th century.

But throughout the first half of the century, people began to change their opinion in ever increasing numbers, until governments and lawmakers could no longer ignore it, and civil rights laws were brought in, making things are a lot more equal. Not perfect though, as there are still some people who believe the previous prevailing opinion, but because the majority feels that rights should be equal, then that's what we see in reality.

How do we bring about change today?
The point to take from this is the method by which people change their opinion on things. They don’t change their mind by you or me or anyone else telling them how wrong they are. They, for the most part, sincerely believe what they do and need some form of evidence to be turned round.

A large part of the civil rights movement’s success was due to the exposure and media coverage of black pioneers in academics, sports and politics, that showed those who believed they were inferior that there was really no reason to think this anymore.

In other words, the best way to help change someone is to show them why they are wrong by your actions, or as Gandhi said “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

So you don’t need to feel that whatever situation you are depressed about is hopeless, because change is always possible, and you can be part of it.
You do that by changing yourself towards being the kind, caring, compassionate person that you would like everybody else to be. Then other people notice that, and aspire to it, and it begins to spread, with change now beginning to flow in a positive direction.

We have to accept that yes, currently there is a lot of unpleasantness and suffering in the world. Once this is accepted, then you have the option of how to act. You can either keep dwelling on how bad and hopeless things are, and remain part of the problem, or start to become a positive, helpful, kind, caring, compassionate person and become part of the solution.

The decision is yours.

We just need that majority to tip over in our favour, and that’s when we will see the change that we are all hoping for.

Best Wishes


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