

Have you ever caught yourself bragging ...
about how good you are at doing something ...
or how much you have already achieved ...
or how better you are doing compared to the people around you? ..

whether to just yourself ...
or to a whole clapping, admiring, complimenting audience? ...
whether it be consciously ...
or perhaps subconsciously ...

You did?

Admit it, you must have ... and surely, not just once, possibly multiple random times in our lives, we all have unconsciously or very much consciously have bragged , for no one is really exempted in doing such an ego boost.

Everyone is but prone to think highly of one's self at some point in our lives.

Are we really that big? Maybe ... possibly .. or that image of greatness we think of ourselves is it all just ... illusions?

Can you see the two guys following the trail on the ice? Looking at this pic, I felt like a droplet of an ink blotted on a clean white paper. So, we just look this puny.


There's actually two more of those hikers up there, seemingly heading in to that part of that ice caps that seem to have caved in. They look smaller being that much afar. Can you see them?


Can you see the group of men on this one? I thought we look so puny compared to the whole ice capped track on that mountain top up there ...


so tiny, so insignificant, no matter how many...


These, are shots I took while standing on top of one of those so called highest peaks in Europe, the best place to do some "people watching" really. Up there, I realize how tiny as ants we all look from down there.


Even on zoom .. puny like ants, wearing colorful clothing.


While everyone was screaming out of fun below, I was having such random thoughts specially when I saw someone seemingly bragging among his friends. Not because I was judging, am not in any position to do that, I've done that at some point in my youth, it's just some random realization that hit me cause up where I was some "famous" characters were doing it, too. I can't really blame them .. we know how the world works.


Famous now, forgotten later ...

Enjoy fame while it lasts ...(wink, wink)


... for like glaciers slowly melting under the scorching hot sun ... fame too, shall pass and we shall all be humbled.

I hope you don't find yourself slowly drowning in this illusion.


So I wonder... who here would be brave enough to spill out that he or she have caught themselves bragging. What about? To whom? Most of all, am curious much .. what did you get out of it?

This content's 100% mine . I took some of the pics with my D Eye and some with my smartphones.

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