Depression: Recognizing The Physical Symptoms

In recent years, more and more young people have been affected by one of the most inconspicuous mental illnesses - depression. And even if someone identifies it as a temporary condition that will go away relatively easily, others are very afraid of the symptoms which are often not only psychological but also physical. Our mental ailments almost always affect our whole body and it reacts differently depending on the individuality of each one of us.


Emotional symptoms of depression:

  • Trouble concentrating, remembering details and making decisions
  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness
  • Pessimism and hopelessness
  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Loss of interest in things once pleasurable, including sex
  • Persistent sad, anxious or "empty" feelings
  • Suicidal thoughts or attempts


What are the physical manifestations of depression?

Headache and migraine

It has been shown that there is a strong link between headache and depressive states. So if you often feel like having to cope with this problem do not ignore it, especially if you are not mentally well. Seek expert advice!

Insomnia or the opposite - constant drowsiness

Changes in sleep are always an indication that something is happening in our head or body. Even sometimes due to ordinary fatigue, stress, or simply a change of season, they are more often a sign of a more serious problem, like depression.

Lacking or increased appetite

If you do not feel hungry lately, or if you eat as an offspring, and at shorter intervals, you must also pay attention to your mental health.

Stomach pains, diarrhea, constipation or permanent nausea after eating

If you had a healthy and regular stomach and suddenly you start to suffer from constipation or diarrhea or just feel acute craving pain at times, do not reject the fact that the cause may be in your head. Nausea after eating and sometimes your inability to keep it in your stomach is also a serious problem triggering depressive symptoms. Therefore, if the doctor does not find any disturbances in your stomach organs and functions, contact a psychologist.

Breast pain

Cardiovascular diseases often go hand in hand with depression. It is found that signs of anxiety are seen in half of the people who complain of pain and tightness in the chest.

Joint pains and back pain

If you are a young person and the pains in your joints or backs have become a normal phenomenon for you for a while, think well what causes them. Depression can also be accompanied by joint pain.


Menstrual cycle disorders

I guess you noticed how when you are experiencing stress, your cycle also reacts. If it has become extremely irregular, and you do not have a specific gynecological problem, you must look for the cause in your mental state.

Sexual interference

The categorical denial of sex is definitely not inherent in any mentally and physically healthy person. Depression would certainly affect your sexual desire, so do not overlook it when it's missing.

Still, a large number of people are not looking for help when a psychological problem arises from shame or fear that they may be prescribed medications they do not want to take. It is good to know that our fear of antidepressants may be unfounded, as a growing number of specialists now rely on more harmless treatments such as pure herbal remedies or just a regular visit to a psychologist. And remember that sometimes as much as you try to help yourself with positive thoughts and emotions, the possibility of self-healing is zero.
There are very serious forms of this mental disorder, which can only be countered with the help of a specialist. And there is nothing shameful about seeking such kind of assistance. Nowadays it is needed by more and more people.

Thank you for reading.
Please take care of yourself!

If your "depression" is just a state of mind and you have none of the symptoms above, just think of the sea - it makes me smile and realize how small my problems are. (The picture is mine.)




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