||PSYCHONAUTS|| Salvia Divinorum and the seperation of self


Windows and doors. windows and doors.
Ones and twos and sevens and fours.
A universe unbound by quantum laws,
As you feel exposed to a force without cause,
And one that's so strong, like cuts from saws..
with eyes peeping in giving round of applause,
and laughter abounds as it brings out it's claws.
When the laughter turns sour, and turns into roars..

You're stuck in a moment of eternity,
your eyes can see more than they'll ever see,
no dimension belonging, you're a flat piece of tree
in a forest that goes on for infinity.
Window-like pages; book of reality;
Flick quickly before me, which one is for me?
How will i get back? who even am i?
Did i take too much? did i O.D. and die?
My friends said it's fun, that i would get high
but now i'm a flat thing with no 'me' or 'my',
no idea why i'm here; there's no reason why.

I never really know how i made it back,
that place feels magnetic, wants you on a rack.
It started as laughter but quickly turned black,
playful memories that put me on a track,
a ride without pride as you forget your surname;
The Salvia Wheel is a remorseless game
You're stripped of your substance with no one to blame,
but yourself for toying with this powerful thing..

...and the dimensional insight that it can bring.


(based on an experience with a 60x extract.)

Image Sources: Salvia Droid @ http://www.zensages.com/

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