Psychedelic Adventures part 1 (magic mushrooms of the "penis envy"kind

I am going to tell one of my psychedelic trip stories and i have many i have tripped hundreds of times on many substances..In this story i will tell the first time i ever ate magic mushrooms aka psilocybin mushrooms..ok well here we go
In the summer of 2007 i was 23 and i just had this burnning desire to trip on mushrooms so i thought i could just go out to cow fields and find some ..well i live in Arkansas and litterally there are no psilocybin mushrooms in my state.No species of magic mushrooms grow in arkansas i did not know this at first so i went all over looking in the woods in the cow feilds i looked everywhere .Now i did find a lot of wild mushrooms but none were magic..i was starting to give up but i still had this strong calling to keep seeking ..I am not sure why it was like a vision i had that i really needed to find them. So i tried other ways and kept comming up empty handed.Then one day i was flipping through a magazine and on one page i seen this ad from a book company that claimed they would sell you a magic mushroom kit for a little over a hundred dollars..Lets just say i was very skeptical of this ad it almost seemed too good to be true,here i was searching everywhere never finding and now i find this ad .Any way i decided to try it .i saved up the money then mailed the money order to this strange book co. and two weeks later i recieved the package i was very excited..i opened it up and there was a bag of cow shit and a bag of grain and the spores, i read the instructions dropped the spores in the grain bag shook it up and then put it up and waited..This was a long process it took a month for the bag of grain to turn white then i put all that into a tub with the cow shit then had to wait again still not sure if anything would happen...In the package they said the strain of spores were called "penis envy" i thought this was a odd name for shrooms but later would realize why they were called penis envy's.Now after about three more weeks of waiting finally this kit started showing tiny little mushrooms growing it was so exciting i spent over a year searching high and low for these things and now here they are growing in my room it seemed surreal.once they got larger i realized why this strain was called penis envy it was because they were so large and the stems so fat they looked like penises lol mushroom penises one grew over 11 inches i thought wow i have never seen such large shrooms it was amazing.They made regular shrooms look small and stringy.And once i done some research on this strain i found out that they are one of the most potent strains because they are so large one mushroom of the penis envies could equal 10-20 mushrooms of any other strain .Wow these babies had to be very powerful.Then the day came when it was time to pick them out and i wanted to try them but was very anxious.So i had my cousin come over D-roc and to try them with me..So me and D-roc got prepared i asked him how many he thought we should take for our first time?D-roc said he wasnt sure and these were so big and fresh ,we both agreed that three should be enough for a decent trip.Little did we know that one shroom would of been more than enough shit even half of one of theese bad boys would be a good trip and we decided to eat three lol.It was like a big meal lol they did not taste bad we justchomped them down and waited..Now this is where things get very interesting i just want to add if u have never done shrooms or other psycedelics you might not know how extremely strange reality can get when you take a large dose of psilocybin..Ok well we did not realize we just took a super large heroic dose of fresh "penis envy" mushrooms and we were about to blasted off to another dimension. So we are waiting for it to kick in and we decide to go to wal-mart to get our girlfriends somthing for valentines day NOT A GOOD IDEA. lets just say i probably shouldnt of been driving lol.but we get to the store and that is when it begins to kick in .The first thing that happened is the store looked like it went on for miles and the people walking sounded so loud i sarted playing with this teddy bear and for a moment i felt like I was transported to the fur of the bear and it was like rolling and transforming then i looked over and D-roc was freaking out.He came over to me with a terrified look on his face he said dude we gotta get out of here they know lol..Aparently he heard the intercom and thought that we were going to get in trouble.. I said dude your just tripping chill out but by now he was freaking out bad ,I said ok lets go we grabbed a flower got in check out and it was so difficult to figureout what to do and how much money to pay with dont go to walmart tripping we finally made it out of the store and D-roc says take me home i gotta go home.. I said ok as I was driving him home he was flipping out he kept saying are we going to get in trouble ? did we do somthing wrong? he was genuinely scarred .I said no man your just tripping chill and as im saying this i see checkard patterns in the sky and the road keeps wiggling I dont know how i was able to drive.finally we get to his house and he keeps saying what is wrong we done somthing wrong i said all we did is eat those shrooms ,your just tripping man..but that did not help him he seemed really freaked out and it started to freak me out..I said your starting to give me a bad trip man chill out then he went in and i drove home.I dont know how i made it home but i looked at the clock and it had only been two hours since we took the mushrooms ,i thought no way !! it felt like it had been way longer than that..It was now around 11:00 at night and my girlfriend was already in bed ofcourse i was not tired at all..Then all of a sudden the phone rings it was D-roc's wife she sounded concerned,she said Daniel i said yes she said what is wrong with D-roc he said that you and him took some mushrooms and now he is acting very strange i dont know if I should take him to the hospital or not..I said NO dont take him to the hospital he is fine he will be ok he is just tripping and it will wear off soon..that seemed to ease her mind a little but i could tell she still was worried..i said can i talk to him so he got on the phone.I said dude what are you doing you need to chill out man your wife is freaking out..he said man i'm freaking out I said I know man I'm tripping too its crazy everything is changing .He then went on to explain that his wife's braided hair turned into snakes and he thought she was a african witch dr. and he said he didnt know if it was day or night i too was having strange things happening like time standing still and weird dajavu. but i was just trying to calm him down and finally he did and we hung up ..At that point i didn't know if things were ok with him and his wife or what but by then i decided to go lay down next to my girlfriend when i did the room was pitch black but i could see all theese shapes and colors moving all over in the darkness it was so facinating to watch it also looked like large objects were moving in my room i just layed there watching sinking deeper and deeper into this visual field and before i knew it I was no longer laying in my room.Now this is the climax and peak of my experience this was when things became so much more.This was so powerful and i am going to do my best to put the experience into words but i must admit that the experience was beyond words ,words can not fully describe what I experienced but i will do my best.Like I said at this point I wasnt in my room I dont even think I was in my body it was if I was pure awareness then i heard a voice well maybe not heard with my ears but in my mind It was the voice of GOD.
JESUS actually, and when he speaks to you ,you feel like he is a thousand feet tall and i was overcome with his pure love it was amazing and he said you can ask me anything you want to know.WOW! JESUS my Lord and Savior is speaking to me and he is going to let me ask him anything wow!...I thought I better make it a good question and as soon as i was about to ask my question he instantly already gave me the answer.but it was not a short answer infact I had probably ten thousand lifetimes of information run through my consiousness,you see the question I asked our loving creator is HOW DOES IT ALL WORK?meaning reality,life,afterlife the meaning of it and how it works and why?Well he sure did give me the answer and it was at that moment I almost regreated asking that because instantly I began to see every process of every detail of every function of cause and effect of reality ,time,our life, and how it all works and is put together..I had information running through my mind at the spead of light and i likened it to recieving a almost infinite equation and then breaking it down to its most smallest answer and form.It was exhausting I almost thought I couldnt handle it, all this information was not comming from me it couldn't I wish I could of retained this information but that would be impossible the amount running through my mind could fill every library a million times over as soon as i recieved it ,it was gone or broken down to a even smaller answer.If I could of stored any of that info. i would have so many answers to mans questions .It was amazing it was like tapping into the Akashic records,or the mind of GOD litterally.Part of the process of reality I was shown was like a analegy of how a clock works.When you see a clock you just see the face with the hands pointing to the numbers that show what time it is .but what you dont see is the very complex mechanics of the inside of the clock all the gears and cogs .Everything working together intrequitly.That is how reality works ,the unseen mechanics of how it works is so complex but we never see that part just like when you see a clock you dont see all the mechanisms taking place.Now in the process of showing me how everything worked that also had to include the past ,present,and future of everything .ESENTIALLY I WAS BEING SHOWN THE PAST,PRESENT AND FUTURE OF ALL TIME.and all the info. that was included it was a bit much.I thought my head was going to pop, I seen the past and everything in it and i seen the future and when it got to the bad part I rember being so fillled with sad emotion because what i was seing I was having visions of what was to come and it got bad.But that part passed and then it got really good i wish i could of been able to tell exact timelines so i could know when some of it would come to pass but I dont think I'm meant to I think that is part of the reason it fades away and you cant remember what was being shown.But it was as if i was seeing everything through the eyes of GOD!I seen everything the way he sees it all its beauty and worth..I also seen how devestating even the smallest sin can be and how dissapointed it makes him when we sin it was awful I had tears running down as I begged for forgiveness because of how I seen the nature of each sin and how awful it really is.why as humans we can sin and it doesnt bother us if we seen it for what it really is a cancer to our soul then we might behave differently.I was so ashamed for my faults and the things I had done wrong but GOD's grace is so good I instantly felt his forgiveness and he just kept filling me with his peace and his joy.Oh how I wish I could see everything like that again to see it the way he does through the eyes of GOD..I remember as I was comming out of this grand vision the last thing JESUS said to me was the most important, he said EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OK AND YOU ALL ARE GOING TO LIVE FOREVER.And that was the last thing he said and that was the only bit of information I was allowed to keep and i believe it was the most important..When he spoke that to me I instantly felt so happy and at peace it was the most amazing feeling of peace i ever felt .I felt like that was all i ever needed to hear for the rest of my life that everything is ok and we are all going to live forever.So now i have no excuse to ever worry or be concerned of anything because GOD himself has told me that everything is ok and always will be..And by this time it was 5:00am in the morning and the trip was wearing off . It was an amazing spiritual journey and I think everyone should experience it at some point in their life.Around 6:30 am D-roc called me all excited saying oh my gosh man lastnight was so crazy ...He went on to tell me how he too had all theese visions when he was laying down some of it was very simular to mine it was amazing we both were changed for the better from that first experience it is somthing that has stayed with me forever and it impacted me so profoundly that I just had to experience it again.So me and D-roc decided to do it again about a month later but this time it was during the day and we had all day to play and we planned it all out and it was a whole nother crazy wild ride and that experience will be part 2 of my PSYCHEDELIC ADVENTURES....

WRITTEN BY: DANIEL PERRYMANFB_IMG_1422805664191.jpgFB_IMG_1423561206089.jpg

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