PSYCHEDELIC ADVENTURE'S PART 2(continuation of next trip of magic mushrooms)"day trippers"

well as I said I would continue the story and now I will write about the second time I ever ate magic mushrooms.
So Me and D-roc were so blown away by how amazing our first trip had been,it was not like LSD which we had much experience with this was stronger or just different, more spiritual.In a way these magic mushrooms called "penis envy" were like a portal to another dimension or a way to tap into the spirit world..We both agreed this time we should take less than last time because we litterally could not even talk or comunicate to eachother for like a hour the first time..We also agreed that we would take them during the day and we would plan a whole fun day of it..So the time came one day when we both had a free day all day and decided this would be the day..We woke up early got a small bite to eat then ran over to my house to take the shrooms..We decided to take two this time instead of three ,we ate one fresh and one dry now let me remind you that theese are the largest strain of cubensis psilocybin mushrooms.which means they are so very potent once again we probably took more than we bargained for..we ate them then just sat there and I remember it kicking in very fast this time like ten minutes which is pretty fast normally takes like thirty minutes.Within ten minutes I was tripping I ran into the bathroom looked at my eyes and my pupils were huge !!there was no color just solid black pupils we decided to go outside .D-roc said he wasnt feeling it yet I said I am and as I said that I could feel it buiding inside me growing stronger and stronger and then I realized at that point once again we took a very strong heroic dose...
It just kept getting stronger I looked down at the grass it looked like it was squrming around like a bunch of green worms it all blended together and then I looked up at the sky which was a clear blue sky and it instantly turned a weird pale grey that kind of scarred me.I looked up at D-roc with tears in my eyes and said are you feeling it yet?He paused for what felt like a eternity and then said very qietly yeah I that point i felt so intoxicated and everything was quivering and i just threw up and then i staggered inside the house d-roc followed he seemed to be in some kind of trance. As I walked in the house I wasnt sure if i was dying or what because as i walked in I could see this fog everywhere like a haze all through the house i could see sparkes of light blink through the fog it was so weird I almost could feel the fog then it started to pass.D-roc went and sat on the couch I tried to talk to him but couldnt get any words out and I could tell he felt the same because he just sat there wide eyed looked tranced out and at that moment everything began to spin,lol litterally I felt like I was on a faris wheel or somthing my whole house and room was spinning so fast I went and layed down and for what felt like thirty minutes I could feel the room spinning and slowly it began to slow down very slowly. then as it stopped spinning I felt better I felt more clear I could get up I could talk again so I went out to the livingroom where D-roc was and said hey man sorry i left i had to lay down for a minute I feel better now.He said dude Im tripping so hard he tried to turn on his ps3 and he said it kept bending in his hand and his phone did too he couldnt even turn it on I couldnt figure it out I looked out the window the whole neighbors house and cars and everything began to twist into a spiral.I dont know how it just looked like everything was twisting outside I said I cant look out the window man the neighbors house is twisting.D-roc at that point began to get worse and more withdrawn he wouldnt talk he would just look at me with this confused look and he had tears in his eyes I could tell he was struggling and in a bad place.I was feeling pretty good at this point probably because I threw up earlier and laid down for a minute.I decided to call my friend shawn over he lived right down the road.But I decided to not tell him that we both were tripping out of our minds lol.I also told D-roc to not tell him he just looked at me funny like you want me to lie ?lol Shawn got there and one look at D-roc and he knew somthing was up ,he said whats going on ?whats wrong with him ?,I laughed and after a little while of making him wonder I finally told him we were tripping.He was like cool man no fare and I said shawn you could'nt handle this shit..Shawn had some mental issues so he really would of been messed up,then after sitting around talking about it all we decided to go on a quick hike in the woods D-roc was like a walking zombie.He would walk so far then just stop and stand there for like minutes just starring into space,we would yell back at him and say hey dude come on and he would finally start following again..Shawn said man why does he keep doing that?I said he is stuck,he is stuck in his own mind right now and he cant even comprehend whats goin on ,I felt sorry for him because he was like a vegitable or retarded.I kept saying D-roc are you ok and he would just look up and then turn away I told shawn man we gotta get him back to the house we shouldnt be out here in the woods,We both were in no shape to be out in about we were too messed up and I felt like we needed to get back to a safe place like home but when we decided to go back D-roc just sat there I said we gotta go man.he finally looked at me with this worried look and said just leave me here.
What!!I said, what do mean your in the middle of the woods I can't leave you here.He was serious he wanted to stay but that was not a option.and after a long time of pleading with him he finally got up and slowly followed us back but he would keep stopping then we would have to coax him to keep coming he would give a small smile and a confused look I felt so bad for him I thought gosh is he going to come out of this..We finally made it back I was still tripping but not as hard it had been probably four hours at this point.When we got back I kept trying to help D-roc It was like teaching a child how to talk and walk all over again he was gone,Then he stood up and he started crying and kept saying dont make fun of me ,dont make fun of me..I said why would I do that and as I said that I looked at him and realized he had pissed all over himself.His pants were all wet I said that's no big deal bro I'm not gonna make fun of you ..It don't matter ,i could tell he was pretty embarassed by that but I let him know not to worry about it..But in my mind I thought damn man he has got to be so fucked up that he just pissed himself..And at about that time me and shawn look over at him and he is pooring water all over himself and laughing loud saying its like heaven its like heaven..
This was the first time he had said one word in hours and now he was wooping and hollaring about it's like Heaven..I said what's like heaven??And that is when he went on and on about all that he was experiencing..Aparently the whole time I thought he was stuck he was having amazing visions,He started babbling about he seen heaven and he seen the future..I said tell me.. I thought all right we might get some insight into his vision,It was odd but he went on to say when we were in the woods and he kept just standing there he said he was having a riddle going through his mind and he had to figureout the riddle .then he said that he seen the future and that he was going to cheat on his wife with a blond girl,he said that the cure to AIDS is in africa,and he said that he was going to move to colorado.I started laughing and said oh really with doubt in my voice but he snapped back and said it's real Daniel. It's real..I said ok man I believe you.He also said that right when he pissed on himself he felt such an amazing release and feeling of freedom he said it felt like he was in heaven,He was going on and on all about it and he seemed so happy I was just happy that he came out of it and could talk and started to be himself again..Then he said that he tripped a lot harder than me because i threw up I said yeah but I was tripping so hard when I threw up and continued to trip hard after but I did agree that he tripped harder and it was probably cause I did throw up but that was ok.By this time Shawn went home and me and D-roc were comming down and our trip was fading,He also said at one point he thought I was like some holy person like a saint or somthin he said he almost started confessing his sins to me lol.I said D-roc I'm not Jesus and we are all holy ,I could tell he wasn't satisfied by that comment but I then changed the subject And then we eventually parted ways..
But That's not where it ends.Remember all the crazy things D-roc was rambling about in his vision of the future? like when he said He would cheat on his wife with a blond girl and he would move to colorado?Well five years later he ended up cheating on his wife with this younger girl and she was BLOND.And then not much longer his wife said she was moving and he had to move with her so that he didnt ever cheat on her with that girl and his wife just found out her job wanted her to move to a better paying position in another state.And that other state just so happened to be... Yup COLORADO !!! just like he said in his vision that he had when we took shrooms five years before.Now that's a shocker..I had to remind him of his vision and when I did he was so blown away. He said that it all just happed that way ,and he totally forgot that he had predicted it five years earlier.So was it just a coincedence I dont think so ..It really made me wonder about the other things he said he seen in his vision ,like the part about the cure to Aids being in Africa...I mean what a weird thing to say and have a vision about .But if the other things ended up being true It would not surprise me if that part was true also..Thanks for reading my story of one of my fond psychedelic memories, there are so many and all of them are significant..I plan on sharring more in time.this was only the second time I tripped on mushrooms and I have probably done them over a hundred times lol. So i have many stories to tell.And some other amazing psychedelics like lsd,psilocybin,mescaline,salvia,ketamine,25Ibome,allad,ethlad,1plsd,and many more so many more stories to come.PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKE READING ABOUT THESE EXPERIENCES ??I have many more and if people like reading about them then I will continue to write about them..Thanks

Written by DANIEL PERRYMANFB_IMG_1423323193781.jpg

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