Psoriasis Relief

I've seen a case of Psoriasis, first hand. At the time I did not know what is was.

I was travelling on a short vacation with my friend who also bought along her 1 year old baby girl. As our first day of rest came to a close. I laid down to sleep but was waken by a loud cry.

Running to my friend's connected room, I saw that her baby Eliza was screaming at the of her lung. My friend assured me that her child was fine but just irritated by her rashes. She showed my the scaly grey thick patches on Eliza's skin that caused her to cry out in pain.

Her mom bought out a tube with some cream and applied it onto her baby's skin. The crying stopped about 15 minutes later.

My friend said her child had been diagnosed with psoriasis and just prescribed a cream and told to keep her baby from scratching too much. Eliza's mother said that the cream will only soothe some of her baby's pain but the skin condition never goes away.

At the time I did not understand this skin condition where our own bodies identifies our skin cells as foreign and overstimulates the growth of skin cells causing pain and itching. As there are several types of Psoriasis, I will only be talking about my friend's baby's case.

As more natural and holistic ways of dealing with diseases have not yet taken bloom in our world at the time, my friend's baby continued suffering with her skin rash condition for several more years.

Ten years later, when my friend discovered the world of natural treatments, her knowledge of hidden ways to treat everyday conditions blew my mind.

As we did not see each other but every once or twice a year because of her husbands work travels, I did not see her with her daughter until 3 years ago.

Remembering Eliza as a baby with her loud crying and very red scaly skin made me sad that nothing could be done to help her. Meeting this baby as a young girl was very uplifting. See her clear bright skin as she walked with her mom towards me, gave me a shock. Was this the same little baby I met so long ago?

After we sat down for our reunion meal, I drilled Eliza's mom on how her child's skin got so much better. My friend smiled and told me that by accident she ran upon another friend who was 'into' natural healing practices and showed her that most diseases begun from our mismanagement of our own bodies. Eliza's mother goes on to explain that since Eliza had Psoriasis since she was a baby then the thinking would be that this condition raised from a set of circumstances passed down to the baby from her mom.

My friend went on to say that most diseases are not genetic but do to our eating habits and lifestyle. For people who are predisposed to diseases like the BRACA gene that increases your chances of getting breast Cancer are not destined to get that Cancer as all genes in your body can be turned 'on or off' by the types of foods you eat. Knowing this fact, women should research further whether they should have their breasts removed just by the pure 'possibility' that their breasts 'may' develop Cancer.

Quickly, Eliza's mother went back to speaking about her daughter's past skin condition. My friend believes that her child's itchy, scaly skin was a autoimmune condition caused by the foods that she ate while pregnant with Eliza. Her holistic friend told her that her breast milk contained all the stuff she ate during the day thus passing down these ingredients from the food through her breast milk to her baby, introducing possible allergens to the baby's new and still developing immune system.

My friend was told to stop eating processed foods and to switch to 'organic whole' foods. Her friend also told Eliza's mother to stop all vaccinations until her daughter was older than 1 year because when you vaccinate a baby whose immune system is not yet fully developed, you may run into her developing more diseases like Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or even Autism depend how quickly the child can excrete the deadly Mercury and toxic aluminum from their little bodies. The longer these brain damaging ingredients stay in the body, the more sickness a child becomes.

Her friend told Eliza's mother that her baby's condition was more developed so she would need to do additional things.

My friend was asked to remove any allergens Eliza has around her. So household mold was checked for and all baby's clothing was to be washed in more natural types of detergent or drastically minimize the amount regular detergent being used in the washes.

My friend said she sped up her daughter's healing by applying a diluted solution of organic Apple Cider Vinegar by Bragg's onto her daughter's itching skin on her elbows, knees, scalp & hair and even the genital area ( sorry for being so graphic ) with a cotton ball and the itch went away after 5 minutes. Amazing, I told her.

She was told by her friend to also give Eliza a half a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in 250 ml glass of water, add a teaspoon of honey for taste for 2-3 weeks. This will help the condition from the inside of the body.

My friend was happy to let me know that her daughter's Psoriasis was cured after 4 months of applying the Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother in it) and having her drink the Apple Cider Vinegar, honey and water drink.

My of baby Eliza with the painful skin Psoriasis has now had a happy ending. I hope my story may help you through your painful condition. For those who have even more severe and chronic Psoriasis, please see the following tips on how to 'reverse' your disease.

Virgin Coconut oil also works for itching of the skin.

Others who are adults with psoriasis may try the bleach bath where you add 1/2 a cup or less of bleach into your bath water and soak in it for 15 minutes while lightly scrubbing the effected areas. After your soaking, apply a bit of Apple Cider Solution on the skin and let dry. Do this bath a few times a week and see if it helps.

Another tip is to mix baking soda and olive oil and use this as a soap before a bath and then soak in the water afterwards for a 10-15 minutes and rinse. You may feel better afterwards.

As food heals the body better than any prescription drug, here is a recipe to cure your adult psoriasis:

Lemonade for Health - Make a drink with 1/2 a lemon, 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar, a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of ginger, 1/10th tablespoon of Cayenne pepper, 2 tablespoon of Maple Syrup and finally a pinch of Borax. Yes, you read it right. Borax is edible and safe when taken in minute amounts. This drink will make your Psoriasis disappear.

I read stress, cold winters and even Chemotherapy treatment may worsen the condition of Psoriasis patients.

For people who have persistent Psoriasis, you may want to try the Waterless Sanitizer gel on your skin each time you're feeling itchy, it may clear the condition.

Waterless Sanitizer Gel:
Begin with 1 cup of aloe vera gel from an Aloe Vera plant. Add a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol. Then Mix in 2 teaspoons of vegetable glycerin. Add in about 9 drops of tea tree essential oil.

Again, for those who have a more persistent form of Psoriasis, drink a solution of 2 'tablespoons' of Apple Cider Vinegar in 16 oz of water 1-3 times each day, you will see your itchy scaly skin condition disappear. Be sure to purchase the cloudy type of Apple Cider vinegar with what people call the 'mother' strands of goodness in it, not the very clean non floating strands in it.

If the Psoriasis is on your scalp, I suggest massaging 'coconut' oil on your scalp, one hour before you plan to wash your hair to help heal the skin. Also applying Aloe Vera gel to your scalp may help rid you of those bumps on scalp caused by Psoriasis. If even this doesn't help, try applying a solution of 3 teaspoon of Borax in half a cup of white vinegar, pour this over your scalp and leave of for 20-30 minutes to kill the stronger yeast. Do this for 3 days straight then do touch up applications once a week for a month or two.

Adding the daily ritual of staying out in the sun to absorb natural vitamin D for 20 minutes each day will help your body distress thus managing your Psoriasis. Be sure not to apply Sun Tan lotion as it will block out the good benefits of the sunshine.

Some patients have done 'Epson salt' baths to get rid of their rashes. Add Espon salt to very hot water, then let cool and soak in for 20-30 minutes.

The photo above does not belong to me. Credit goes to the owner.

⭐️Just a note, as I am not a doctor and just a person with a thirst for true knowledge. Please always consult your own doctor before doing any sort of treatment to your body.

❤️ I hope my post has opened many minds and will help those who have suffered many years in pain to try other avenues towards health with more organic and natural means.

If you've had any success with the above tips, please reply back to let me know. I would love to hear your stories.

Have a nice day everyone! ☀️

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