How to overcome a love break easily and quickly?

Hi, friends of Steemit

After a long time, I bring you a post that I hope you like.

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  • Are you in a relationship that you want to end but are you afraid of losing your partner? Do you know that your relationship is wrong but you feel that you still need him / her? Have you just ended a relationship and do not know how to overcome that break? Well, if you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you are in the correct post.


  • EACH PERSON IS A WAY: We have to know and always keep in mind that every person is a way, that we are all paths that sometimes we have the joy of crossing and moving together towards the same direction, but as my mom says:

"Nothing or nobody is forever: The material ends and the people leave."

This is why at some point our paths must be separated at some point to follow our own paths one without the other. Knowing this, we forget that "that person is mine" and that "I am that person". REMEMBER NOBODY IS OF ANYBODY: HE / SHE DOES NOT BELONG TO YOU AND YOU DO NOT BELONG TO HIM; HE / SHE IS FREE TO LEAVE WHEN YOU WISH AND YOU ARE FREE TO LEAVE WHEN YOU WISH

  • THE INSECURITY CAUSES DEPENDENCE: This point is a very important factor, many times we are with a person who harms us in one way or another or we are with a person we do not want but we can not leave out of fear, because we are insecure, maybe it is because we believe that our physical is not the best, or because we believe that we can not get anyone more or better than the person we are already with, we do not feel able to let go for fear of being alone and then We do not want to leave what we already know and go to get something better because it causes us insecurity.


  • TAKE THE CONTROL: Stop questioning yourself "Why do you need to be with that person?" "Why can not you leave that person?" And start to ask. Why do you think that person is what? better than there may be in the world? Having more than 6 billion people out there, what makes you think that this is the right one? What makes you think that there is nothing better for you or that you can not get anyone better than him or her? What's stopping you? Why do you need to get away? Why can not you continue with that person? Maybe it's because you do not like the way you dress or think you're not attractive enough to get someone else, maybe you think you're not sociable enough or that You do not have enough money to get someone better. But I will confess something that I think is very important that you know: ALL THINGS ARE TALES, ALL THOSE THINGS ARE FALSE. That's right, they are stories that our insecurity invents us and we make the mistake of believing him, but I have you good news: you can take control and handle this very well, everything has a solution, I explain, if you feel fat, exercise and eat healthy and you will get the body you want; you feel that you are not sociable enough, there are courses where they can help you, there are therapies; Do you feel that you do not have success in your life? start to create it, everything is under your control, you can change every aspect of your life with which you do not feel satisfied and you will see how you are taking control of yourself.

  • CHANGE YOUR WAY OF SEEING THINGS: From very young, we have taken the role of victim when something bad happens to us, we begin to cry and ask "Why me?" Why is everything my fault ? ¨ ¨ Why am I always the smallest / the last / the ugliest ...? ¨ But nobody taught us that in those moments we have two options:
    1) The Path of the drama: It consists of crying and throwing you to the floor, blah blah blah ...
    2) The Way of the victors: It consists in asking you "Well, this left me an experience, a teaching, but what can I do to prevent this from happening again? What can I do to achieve it?
    Instead of crying and being sad because you lost someone, why not be grateful for the beautiful moments you lived together, for what you learned, for the time when your path was going in the same direction and now you have to go in different directions in search of a better future, new and better experiences, new and better adventures? That's the way you should think is the point of view you should give to things.

  • CREATE MENTAL SPACE: Well, for whatever you want to do in your life, you need to dedicate time, and make a place in yourself to carry it out, but if you are all day thinking about other things or a person who is going away or worse, is no longer there, you will not have space to do something different to focus on doing other things. You must learn to let go, you must learn to let go, you must learn to discard what hurts you, learn to let go of the old so that the new enters and vacate spaces that you could occupy with better circumstances, better people that will allow you to start developing better feelings, they will allow you to know better people, better experiences, better actions, better achievements, better couples, better businesses. As long as you keep thinking about a person, in a negative situation or in the past, you are not allowing yourself to know better things, you are denying yourself better experiences and you could miss the best opportunities of your life because you are seeing something that has already happened, that no longer It is part of your life, which is no longer part of you.


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