Crowds during pandemics are murder.


The crowds over the last five days are going to destroy lives and local economies like never before, and the government is going to slow roll any aid.

Viruses don’t care what your reasons are.

People who are out in crowds without masks risk getting SARS-CoV-2 and passing it on and on and are going to end up indirectly but personally killing more people than all the cops in the USA combined via infection.

Cops in the USA kill about 1,200 people a year in total, as far as I can tell, and there were fewer than the normal 100 a month in 2020 because of the lockdown.

No official stats are kept but estimates are consistent across the years and sources.

It’s likely the extra spread of disease will kill far more than that, and will give Trump a new excuse for why the US death toll will be over 200,000 by the time of the election.

Destroyed property will also cause redlining around black neighborhoods. Again. Redlining is when representatives of different banks meet in secret and draw red lines around specific hoods to agree none of them will make any loans or offer mortgage insurance within those red lines.

It’s illegal but it’s still done.

And Trump is the last person who would do anything to stop it after these riots, which play into his hands, causing independents who had written to off to look to him for safety.

So high unemployment and high COVID death rates are going to get higher and stay longer in black and Latino neighborhoods.

Inhaling burning particles can put AGE in the body and cause a reduction of years of life expectancy.

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