
Recently I had somebody who cares about me say you need to gain weight and I think the problem is you need protein!
Recently I lost 7 pounds due to being sick but they said "no before you got sick you don't weigh enough." My weight is always 125 to 127 which is actually the perfect weight for me. And protein? Every time they take that blood at the lab and give me numbers my protein levels read out normal to high normal. So actually the problem here is simply ignorance of understanding how it is so easy to get protein in a vegetarian diet without having to resort to meat, fish and eggs. Some vegetarians add eggs saying they need it for protein. Well that's their preference. But not a necessity by a long shot. It's more about taste and convenience. My sources of protein are very tasty and I don't find it inconvenient at all! Anybody want to know more about protein and vegetarianism you can PM me in messenger. Well with all that being said......what is on my mind right now is I feel very very blessed by my Lord Krishna (others may call Him Rama Jehovah Allah) simply God with many names. All paths lead to Krishna. When perfecting any religious path you arrive at love of God which is God consciousness or Krishna consciousness. God is nonsectarian. The individual bona fide religious paths are sectarian and therefore differences of opinion and fighting take place. Even some try to take God and turn him into unbonafide sectarian clicks or branches saying that God favors me. God loves all of us and when we glorify his holy name and take deep shelter in Him we not only develop love for God....but develop love for everyone and all truth is revealed. When I say all truth that includes everything in this material world and spiritual world. The Vedas are the source of all truth and the origin of all religious paths which are eventually derived and manifested from the source. All information is found in the Vedas regarding how to function in the material world (not everyone wants to leave this material existence) and how to use our free will to regain our Eternal position in the spiritual world which we originate from.
Conclusion: I love this person who tried to help me. We should all try to serve and help each other to the best of our ability. But we do have the free will to accept or reject. our actions and free will take us either to our original home in the spiritual world or keep us here so we can continue our path in the material world until we decide we do not want to be separated from our Lord anymore in pursuit of happiness here. Like A fish out of water. So if we are happy floundering around in a little puddle of water here in the material world then we may stay and continue seeking happiness which will always lead to misery or we can regain our eternal position (spiritual bodies) where we are in the ocean of happiness eternally. I guess a lot has been on my mind lately. Lol🙏🙏🙏😍😍😄

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