
Bahasa Indonesia

Apa kabar semua'y??
perkenalkan , Namaku imla,ibu biasa memangilku iim,Aku seorang ibu Rumah Tangga,aku tinggal di Jawa barat tepat'y di Bekasi,aku punya 3anak;2permpuan &1laki2.
Sebenar'y sih aku orang Jawa Tengah,Lahir di Pemalang dan besar disana,setelah menikah aku ikut suami krn suamiku kerja dibekasi.


Hobiku memasak,krn kondisi yg menuntutku bwt masak,krn klo beli jg jdi'y mahal bgt kan? krn anggota keluargaku ada 5orang.

awal menikah aku tuh ga bisa masak,sesekali tlpn ke ibuku minta resep masakan,spt soup bayam,lodeh bahkan orek tempe yg asli'y gampang bgt. stlh anakku yg pertama masuk sekolah TK baru aku tuh belajar banyak ttg masakan,krn sering ngobrolin masakan bwt bekal anak2 sekolah,sesekali kongkow tuk makan2,jdi aku suka nanya sm yg bawa makanan,ini bumbu'y apa?,gimana cara bikin'y,krn sering sharing itulah jdi aku coba praktekin dirumah.


How are you all??
Introducing, My name is Imla, my mother used to call me Iim, I am a housewife, I live in West Java, in Bekasi, I have 3 children; 2 girls & 1 boy.
Actually, I'm from Central Java, I was born in Pemalang and grew up there. After I got married, I joined my husband because my husband worked in Bekasi.

My hobby is cooking, because of the conditions that require me to cook, because if I buy it, it's really expensive, right? I have 5 members in my family.
When I first got married, I couldn't cook, sometimes I called my mother for recipes, such as spinach soup, lodeh and even the original tempeh orek, it's really easy. After my first child entered kindergarten, I learned a lot about cooking, because I often talk about cooking for school children, occasionally hang out to eat, so I like to ask the person who brought the food, what seasoning is this?, how do you make it? , because I often share that's why I try to practice it at home.

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