Daily Harvest

White Cherry Tomato Are My Favorite!

Cucumber, Onion, Carrot and More

White Cherry Tomato! those round yellow Tomato are like candy, SO SWEET!

ABOVE, I picked onion, carrot, peas, and tomato today, as well as a cucumber.

the carrot were Yellow, White, Purple and Little Finger Orange. Again, I am not picking large carrot, only thinning out the carrot patches, so that the larger ones can have more room to grow.

Above I grabbed some Utah Yellow Onion, and Baby White Pompeii Onion. As with the carrot, I overseeded onion and am now picking smaller onion to thin the areas where the onion grows. This will give the larger ones more room to fully mature.

Below Cherry Tomato (and some Pear Tomato)

Blueberry Cherry Tomato

White Cherry Tomato

Yellow Pear Tomato

More White Cherry Tomato!

Below Some Pepper Plants

Sweet Banana Pepper

Sweet Green Bell Pepper

Below Some Tomato Plants:

Beef Steak Tomato

Brandywine tomato

I am excited! At this point, as long as I keep up with weeding and watering, my tomato, pepper, and onions, as well as carrot and cucumber will probably keep producing enough to harvest at least every other day, if not daily for the Cherry Tomato!

Gardening To DO:

  • At home, replant lettuces, spinaches.
  • thin carrot, thin some more onion
  • Pick a ton of Raspberry each day! Last year, once I started, it was almost a pint of Raspberry each day (half to freezer for later jelly and jam making)!
LOTS More to come, from my GroVid22 Gardens!

Show me your garden!
Leave me a comment, below... and a link to your garden!

It's time to take control of your own food supply,
your own health and your own lives.

The GroVid22 Challenge:
Grow Your OWN is not just a simple short challenge,
it's about taking control of your future!

Happy New Planting and Cheers,

All Photos by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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