Old fashioned pickled onions - Turn a failed harvest into a culinary success

Onions are a dime a dozen, i've had multiple attempts at growing them, but they also seem to come up looking a bit malnourished.

Luckily, i've got a great recipe for turning this particular gardening failure into an edible success.



1 kg pickling onions, peeled

27g salt

½ tsp coriander seeds

½ tsp mustard seed

½ tsp black peppercorns

½ tsp dried chili flakes

1 litre malt vinegar

170g sugar

  1. Top and tail the onions remove skins

  2. Sprinkle the salt over the dry, peeled onions, stir to make sure the salt is distributed and leave overnight.

  3. Next day (do not leave longer than overnight if you want your onions to be crisp) rinse the onions and dry with kitchen towel.

  4. Place the spices, vinegar and sugar into a large stainless steel pan. Heat to dissolve the sugar, do not boil.

  5. Pack the onions into clean, sterilized jars. Pour over the vinegar and spice liquid to fill the jars, make sure each jar has pickling spices in and check there are no air pockets. Seal the jars and leave to cool.

The onions will be ready to eat after about one month or better if kept for two. Once opened store in a refrigerator.


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