Confessions of a Prepper, how silver helped save me.

I'm prepped. I've done the work. I've bought the supplies. I've developed skills. I don't worry anymore about what might happen because I've done what I can do. Should SHTF it will truly suck. It is something that I hope will never happen. But, having done what I can do, there is no sense it worrying about it anymore.

I noticed recently, now that I've reached this level, that my mind is now free. I was so pessimistic about the future. I worried about what I had forgotten to do or buy or buy or learn. I contemplated alternate routes, what would I encounter on the way. All of the scenarios. There is no way to be the baddest or strongest for there is always someone bigger and badder, so that's a losing game.

During the prepping phase I was stacking silver. Enough to get us through a financial collapse. That is now dead money. Like insurance, I hope it never has to pay off. That's what silver is, insurance. If it ever increases enough to be needed, the situation will be really bad. The money spent is locked in, currently about a 20% loss. That's the cost of insurance. No worries.

Now, with that off my mind, I am looking forward to a bright future. Silver saved me because while I was buying it I missed the bull-run and subsequent collapse of the cryptocurrency market. Had I been buying cryptos at that time I would be holding very heavy bags of losing coins. I would be far worse off and severely depressed. Wondering if the market would ever make me even, not to mention profitable.

Now I'm accumulating cryptos. Several different coins. A little bit at a time, as I can afford. A diversified portfolio. I know that starting now will be the opportunity of my lifetime. The crypto market has reached some level of maturity and acceptance. It has shown potential and that it is here to stay.

Buying now, at the market lows of October and going forward will be the greatest opportunity of generations. A new asset class. I'd been told, starting years ago, to buy cryptos. I'm glad I didn't but now is the time.

Prepping and silver saved me. I'm now prepping for a prosperous future. I'm optimistic. My future is not in the US though. I've lost confidence in this situation, but that's another story.

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