
This is a program developed by my wife and I for the purpose of preparing the body for deeper cleansing/detox. The masses tend to fall for the latest diet fads and "detox diets" and they go into it to basically feel better then get out, it's a temporary fix for a long term problem. You cannot out exercise or detox away a bad diet. You must make lifestyle changes.

Our Predetox program is much much more than a run of the mill detox program, it is a lifestyle change with even deeper goals of making Predetox Communities where we really change the perception of the masses and become self sufficient, healthy, and not dependent on silly systems and fake paper money.

Predetox prepares the body for deeper digging by reawakening nerves and getting our elimination channels open and ready for the removal of the toxins, mucus, and heavy metals that are about to be loosened and stirred up. Very important to innerstand the body's lymphatic system which is the sewer system. When we get these toxins and old filth moving we must be able to eliminate them or we will run into some very ugly detox/healing crisis. This is the problem not addressed by the majority of cleansing and detox modalities out there. We work on assisting the body in this process so everyone will not misinterpret their body's signs of healing with the perception of getting worse.


You can check out our group and page on Facebook, but I will be bringing it to Steemit because we all need the information that we share. We are "autoimmune" food specialists and we deal with root cause issues and true health, we do not play in the world of man made diseases, we leave that up to the medical mafia aka Allopathy and all the other symptom treaters, we are actually cleaning up the problems they create and the hell and suffering they put their patients thru because of programmed unawareness and the inability to understand life (nature) and the simple observation of it.

This is just a preview and I will be sharing more as we move forward, so if you or anyone else is dealing with health problems and all the doctors have done is further send you in a hole with Pharma meds and toxic chemical treatments, seek out our group and page or contact us at and we will do our best to help you help yourself regain your life.

Remember your body is the healer and is always trying to fix itself, we just have to assist it.


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