What are the benefits of the five times prayers?

The human body is running. There is a need for mobility, walking and walking. 5 times to go to the mosque in the mosque. There is a need to sit down and pray. All of these are beneficial. There are 5 times for 5 times the prayer. There are also times of Sunnah and Nafl prayers. These are the medical benefits of the time.
Dawn and medical science
After praying during dawn, light exercises were done after sleeping all night. During this time the stomach is empty, so the practice is harmful for the body. At this time, Namaz was released from exorbitance and stagnation while praying. The brain is ready to think again free of charge. During this time, Namaji walks to the mosque and the soul gets a fine feeling from the clean, peaceful environment - all of which are beneficial. During this time the body is clean. Cleanliness of the teeth, cleanse the limbs, and the urine and purity of the bath. It prevents germs from attack. Dr. Mahmud Chuityai said, survival also from intestinal and ulcer. Roman priest of Rome said that rising up for morning prayers creates stunning reactions to health. (Prayer book)
Johor's time and medical science
People work differently till noon till noon. It takes dust, dirty, toxic chemicals. Germs attack the body. These are removed after waxing and the body is restored to fatigue and removes fatigue. When the sun rises, the toxic gas is released. If the gas affects the human body, there may be various diseases including brain, madness. At this time, when the salat is performed by praying, this gas can not affect the body so that the body is protected from various diseases. At this time, Allah has blessed us for doing good prayers.
Asher's time and medical science
Earth moves in two types of motion. Vertical and circular. When the sun rises, the Earth's rotation decreases. Even at the time of the end of the time is reduced. During this time the feeling of night became stronger. There was stagnation and depression in nature. The subconscious feeling begins at the time of Asr prayers. If you pray at this time, avoid excessive depression, subconscious feeling attacks. Stress and unsettling decreases. Nurani Rashmi gives peace to Namaz.
Maghrib time and medical science
For the whole day people spend their time in labor and hard work. During the time of Maghrib prayer, prayer and prayer received spiritual and physical peace. Families of the family can also take part in the prayer at the time. In this the children are loyal, righteous. At this time the happiness of the family was born.
Esha Time and Medical Science
People eat food at night after returning home. There may be various diseases when lying down while eating. Health experts say there will be no problem when going to bed with little exercise. More useful than the Esha prayers exercise. This prayer is available in peace, food gets digested and the unrest is removed.
Tahajjud's time and medical science
During this time, the discomfort of sleeping, sleep disorders, heart, neural contraction and tension and treatment of various head diseases. Dr. Mahmud Chuityai said, those who do not see distant things, their treatment of salat during this time, their treatment. Apart from this, earning prayers at this time brings intelligence, joy and extraordinary power that keeps the devotees happy for the day.

****The blessings that will be for the benefit of believing in death> #
All the creatures of the world have to taste the death of one day. Death will end all creatures of the world. People and jinn nations must be present in the court of Allah in the Hereafter.
The work of the world is to be given. Those who die during the time of death or those who believe in the Quran, will have an eternal life in the Hereafter, easy and successful.
Every believer is concerned about the creation of Allah. There is no substitute for worshiping Allah by means of meditation with him or her in order to attain the nearness of Allah.
Those who meditate on the creation of Allah, they have a close relationship with Allah. And the bonds of Allah are closer to Him. As a result, it is helpful for them to have faith in death.
A believer who does not have to go to hell to be released from the grave of the believer, is not able to be humiliated in the battlefield of Hashar and a death of faith, so that Allah has raised a prayer for the Quran. Which is highlighted-
ربنا ما خلقت هذا باطلا سبحانك فقنا عذاب النار - ربنا إنك من تدخل النار فقد أخزيته وما للظالمين من أنصار - ربنا إننا سمعنا مناديا ينادي للإيمان أن آمنوا بربكم فآمنا ربنا فاغفر لنا ذنوبنا وكفر عنا سيئاتنا وتوفنا مع الأبرار
Pronunciation: Rabbana Maa Khalakata Hada Batballan, Subhanaka Fakbina Azbana Naran. Rabbana Innaqa Tudhqilin Nara Fakbad Akhzhitahu wa Maa Lijzalimina Min Angger Rabbana Annna Samina Munadii Unani Lil Faithan Aminu Birabbikum Fahmanna; Rabana Fagfirlana Junubana wa Kaffee Anna Sayyatyatin wa Tawaffana Maal Abrar. '(Surah al-Imran: verses 191-193)
Meaning: 'O our Lord! You did not create this (creature) in vain. Purity is for you. Save us from the punishment of hell. O Lord! Indeed, whom you throw in the fire, you insult him. There is no helper for the wrongdoers. O our Lord! We have accepted the call of a caller to believe and believe. O our Lord! You forgive us all our sins. Remove all our faults. And let us die with noble people. '
Finally ...
Among the believing slaves, who remember sitting and standing, remembering God, and thinking about the creation of the heavens and the earth and praying to Allah above. It will be easy for them to believe in the time of death.
For this reason, when the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to recite Tahajjud, he used to recite these verses till the last verse of Surat al-Imran. The reading of which is the Sunnat of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
By Allah, praying to the Muslim Ummah, give the tawafik to the faith at the time of death. Toufiq donate to enlighten your life during the period of love. Amin.


Eid is the head of the Muslims*

Eid is not suitable for anyone, why it is so euphata. For this reason, some people suffer from confusion, with eight social events, many people celebrate Eid more than others. It is the Arabic word for Muslims who celebrate the glorification of Muslims in the Islamic life. They are the people of Eid, peace and welfare, training of the people, Eid joy, peace and welfare. The word comes from Fitra, poor poor, orphan, bring happiness to the people of the poor, Eid al-Fitr, Muslims of the fasting day of Fitr's happiness, Sadakat-ul-Fitr commanded the Islamists to fetch Fitra to share the joy of the poor poor unemployed Eid. And he is a happy, happy person, with the help of two rak'ats in the Eidgah
After praying, after praying, with the chest in the chest, keeping the shoulder on the shoulder, the rich, the poor, the small, regardless of each other. Muslims prove that each other's brother, brother, an example of humanism, is available to anyone other than the Muslims, the sadness of everyone's sadness, the joy of everyone's happiness, and the real training of these mindsets is the day of Eid-ul-Fitr.
According to Hadith, it is said that fasting is not acceptable to God until it is realized, so that the world Muslims suffer Eid ul-Fitr by experiencing the sufferings of human suffering and in the joy of achieving it, Eidul Fitr will bring untold peace and happiness to everyone. ,. At this Eid, the life of everyone will awaken in self-identity and self-power

Holy Zumatul Bida**

Holy Jumatul Bida was celebrated today through the proper attainment of religious sentiments. The worshipers of the mosque offered the Friday prayers in mosque in the mosque on the last Friday of Ramadan.
Before gathering prayers, the worshipers gathered in mosques beforehand. In the mosque of the Para Maholla along with the national mosque Baitul Mukarram, the crowds of devotees were seen. Many people did not get the place praying outside the mosque outside the mosque. After the prayers, a special munajat was done for the peace of the Muslim Ummah and the welfare of country and nation. The day is also celebrated as Al-Quds Day.
*****Pregnant women's work*****

If the first month of Surah Al-Imran recited, the children would be very dear.
In the second month of Sura Yusuf, the child will be beautiful.
The child will be patient while reciting Surah Maryam in the third month.
In the fourth month, when the sura Lokman read, the child will be haikit.
If the Surah Muhammad reads the fifth month, the child will be virtuous.
The child will be wise after reading the sura yasin in the sixth month.
The first seven verses of Surah Yusuf, Muhammad, and Ibrahim will be read in the seventh, seventh, ninth and twelfth month.
✓✓ When you get hurt, you will drink the water and drink it with water.
Allaah has given the gift of women to all pregnant women. Amin.

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