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Beautiful But Deadly (WOLFSBANE)

Flowers that look beautiful it can also be deadly. There are some pretty flowers that can kill you. Scientists have categorized flowering plants and shrubs that contain toxins or toxins. Even among them can cause death to humans. Well so you are not wrong in giving flowers to your girlfriend or spouse, you should read this information.

This beautiful purple flowers will grow in the northern part of the summer. Although it looks very beautiful, but make no mistake, this flower turned out to contain toxins that can kill animals and humans. The effects of this flower have been known since time immemorial. In ancient times this flower is often used to drive animals, but this flower can also be fatal to humans.
Known also as a devil helmet, this plant belongs to a buttercup family (flower cup). The plant is originally located in the northern hemisphere mountains and contains a large number of toxic substances known as alkaloids pseudaconitine, Used by Japanese Ainu people used on the tip of their arrows as poison to hunt.

### ACONITE TOXIN Aconite comes from a wolfsbane plant. This toxin can cause the heart function of the arrhythmia that causes the victim suffocate. Poisoning can occur even just by touching the leaves of the plant without wearing gloves, because it is very fast and easily absorbed. Because of its untraceable nature, this poison has become one of the most popular used to kill for not leaving a trace, very dangerous.

Swallowing or absorption of plants can lead to heart symptoms and paralysis. If swallowed, symptoms include burning of limbs and stomach. In the case of large doses, deaths can occur within 2-6 hours and 20ml is enough to kill adult humans. Because all parts of the plant are poisonous, the handling is extra careful. Contact with the skin can cause temporary numbness and children who hold the bulbs for long periods of time can absorb toxic and dead alkaloids.

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Such is the review of the dangers of wolfsbane plants. Hopefully useful for you readers. To add insight, you read also the interest that has been reviewed previously.

Thanks for Reading 😊😊

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