DAY - 30 - GEORGE LONGING FOR A FOREST RUN - With love, from the chronicles of an African baby and his dog.





We are on Day 30 of lockdown, and George and I are both longing for the outdoors and a forest run. Think he is really bored right now and has no idea what all this is about, so he goes out into the garden and rolls around and does some gymnastics to keep himself occupied.

Sometimes he just lays out on the veranda and stares at the forest with that longing looks in his eyes. Some times I put my running shoes on to do some exercise and he loses his mind, thinking we heading out.

We have been switched to level 4 so will wait to see how that works out. I still am very apprehensive about going out no matter what level is declared, I do think we all have to still be very careful and vigilant with regards to our situation.

Cannot wait to get out there though, and since running on our own is probably as socially distant as any activity I think we would probably be able to do so soon, as where we run there is nobody for miles except fresh air and forest trees.

Still, take care everyone, stay safe, blessings to you and your family.

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