The Entire Vaccine Industry Is A Sham

"But what about polio?!" is the robotic response that I usually get anytime I make this declaration to a normie in public or online. Followed closely behind by:

"So you think children should die?"

Both statements are irrational, especially the second one. Never a thought in the world to ask a question as to why I think this way. They assume that since I don't trust governmental sources and associated entities that I just automatically dismiss this giant pillar of the medical industry.

This is how the normies think. Or should I say, this is how the normies project what they've been programmed to believe since childhood through indoctrination.

Rarely does an original thought come out. Never a question. Only ad hominums. But if they only understood...if they only understood how much time and effort has been put in, researching health and wellness, and the medical industry, and statistics and data, and different sciences, and then having them all coalesce into a grandiose "aha!" moment! Not to mention the anecdotal data.

Why was I sick all the time as a kid, and then suddenly, right at the age that I stopped getting vaccinated for all manner of bullshit, I started immediately to start feeling healthier and have up to this very day?

To fully explain the vaccine system and why it is so important to the American Medical cartels that it does not come crumbling down, would take hundreds of articles each breaking down individual facets. I'll do my best here to do what I believe truly intelligent people do best:

Break down complicated ideas into simple terms that everyday people can understand.

Because only idiots take simple things and overcomplicate them!

Here is a great documentary I listened to a couple of months ago where the information is broken down systematically, unemotionally, rationally and logically. I highly recommend listening to it and then sharing it as far as possible (well, as far as you can without getting banned first!).

Unfortunately it is Bitchute so I cannot embed it here but click all the same!

What makes people sick?

When virus theory falls apart its like smashing a massive spider egg. Thousands of little spiders explode forth and scatter in each direction and then you have to smash each one individually. More questions are raised in a way than are answered.

I am convinced that viruses do not exist as we are taught and have written extensively about it. I suggest this article entitled "what if viruses aren't even real?"

What makes people sick is fairly simple: lack of nutrients and overaccumulation of toxins. By nutrients I don't just mean food and water but also proper breathing and proper life sustaining activities in general.

Most people are malnourished and toxic. This creates sickness from the inside out. The story of Polio is a great example and of course is the crux of the vaccine cult argument (or what they call and argument).

Polo of course is a neurological degenerative affects the nervous system. Hence paralysis.

Now, this is going to sound pretty crazy to most people, because the information needed is becoming increasingly difficult to find unless you actually stumble upon it in an actual book. The internet, regardless of the search engine, tends to suppress anything that dares to question vaccine narratives.

In the book Modern Esoteric (a great read) there is a section showing the infamous graph of deaths due to vaccine preventable diseases vs when vaccines were introduced. At the time of reading it I was able to find the graph online but it is now very difficult.


There are articles online detailing it, equally difficult to find, but the gist of it is that all deaths from VPDs were dropping before the vaccine came out.

In fact the vaccines usually caused the disease once it was released publicly, hence the covid vaxx and people constantly getting sick after getting it.

Something was causing people to get sick with "polio" though. Nobody denies that. It started when small numbers of kids were getting sick. Later it was released that there were pesticides and different chemicals being sprayed into surrounding areas, as this was time when industrial chemicals were being introduced in large quantities (1940s, 1950s).

When more kids started getting sick, Jonas Salk, a researcher, came up with a "vaccine" that seemed to stop people from getting sick. In reality, most likely the reason it "worked" was because most of the people getting it weren't being subjected to massive chemical releases. Once DDT came out, they sprayed it indiscriminately. Later this was learned to be a neurotoxic chemical that probably killed tens of thousands of people.

Quietly, the original pesticides, which was causing the original "virus disease", was taken off the market. This process continued for the next several decades leading up to today. Chemicals would get released, people would get various symptoms of disease, a virus would be blamed, the chemical would be retracted, a "vaccine" would be released, a bunch of people would die, then magically the vaccine would be given credit.

This is how the chemical industrial complex works. No matter what part of this absolute fiasco you look at, all the chemical and pharmaceutical companies benefit financially. If anyone of these chemical companies were to admit that their chemicals caused the original disease, then class action lawsuits would quickly put them six feet under. So they lie.

That's all these people do, is lie time and time again.

There's more to this story and honestly I would need to go back to a lot of different notes and videos and research to add more to the discussion, but the main point of the article is to watch and listen to and share the documentary I shared from Max Igan's Bitchute channel because it is much more informative than this article.

But I guarantee you that once virus theory falls apart, and it has for many of us, then the entire vaccine industry collapses, and this means that every single facet of medicine concerning either vaccines or viruses collapses instantly and we move forward into a more truthful environment. The financial costs of this to the medical / industrial / military complex would be devastating, so this will not happen. But you can use the data to make informed decisions to help you and your loved ones healthy. Unfortunately the normies are either going to have to wake up or suffer the consequences of lifelong disease, constant medical interventions, injections and eventual death.

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