Binance Word of the Day Game || how to win word of the day game in binance


Assalam-o-Alaikum !السلام عليكم

As I mentioned in one of my articles about binance reward three days ago, I was able to understand this reward game after a lot of efforts and three days ago I won for the first time in Play word of the day. But I have been able to guess two words on a daily basis for three consecutive days and at that time my total points have reached eight whereas I needed at least five points to qualify for the reward.

Play word of the day One week lasts and during this time every day all binance users have to discover a word whose complete rules and regulations are explained. This week's theme is Binance launchpad and the deadline for participation is April 28, 2024. I still have one day and I will try my best to get at least ten points before the end of this week's play word of day and this will be the first time I will get Binance Reward points. Following are the details of words discover that I have corrected during the last three days including today.



on April 25, 2024 i logined to binance account .when i logined to binance account, i clicked on Play word of the day link. i first thought word and i wrote word "Profit" but my word was not correct. but i got this hint that my guess word was 100% incorrect and there was no single letter that was correct . so now i got this idea that i will not use those letter that i used in word profit. so i guessed new word "Future" but my this word also was incorrect but i got hint that my word "future " has one letter that is also in discovering word. that hint lead to me new word " launch". launch was the word discovering word. i got congratulation message that was the again happiest moment for me. so now my feeling was very much high and i have chance that if i share on article of binance to any friend then i will get one more word to discover .i shared one post to my friend. my friend opened the post then new word had been unlock for me.

when second word unlocked that time i take time to guess word. i guessed word "Startup" but my this word was incorrect and but i got hint that there is one letter "A" in word "startup" that is the part of the discorver word. so this hint lead to me word "finance" then in third attempt i guessed "Advance" but my first to three all attempt was incorrect but i was close to guess discover word so in fourth attempt i found the word "Balance" and there was "Balance" second discover word. i found two word on 25 april and i found two words on april 26 and today again i found two words . now my total points are eight to qualify for the reward .




on april 26 ,2024 , i availed two chance to discover the word in play word of the day challenge. in first attempt there was three letter word .i guessed "ICO"but my this word was not correct but i got hint that "C" letter is part of the finding word. so without wasting time i typed word "CAP" and that was the correct word. you can congratulation in screenshot. now i again shared post link to friends to unlock one more chance to guess word. i got second word to discover.



i flet very much difficulty to find the second word but i did my best effort to discover the word. i got the word in second last chance but i was very much upset at the second last chance becasue if i could not be able to guess then in last chance may be i lost my this point but thank Allah i did my every effort, i made vocabulary to find the word to discover . so i am very much happy that on april 26 , i got two point.


on 27 apri, i got two words. first word that i discoverd was "Exchange" it is long word but i think i felt easy to discover long words than short word.




Dear my friends , I’ve played 7 games and found 7 words playing Word of the Day on Binance. here i have many information about the game and related binance launchpad. i got this game very much ifnormative. i think if we will play this game, then we can learn more more knowledge about binance exchange and related binance launchpad. i appreciate also binance team for launching this game and this game is tool to inhance the knowledge of the binance user. here i will recomend to all my hive blockchain writer and gamer to join this game to learn more more about binance launchpad. this time i got a lot of knowledge about cryptocurrency . i will get reward also. i will say it that it is the game that is related to tag #play2earn and i'll keep continue my this effort.

here i would like to share some tips that can help you to win this game daily.

if any user has great Vocabulary then he can win the game easily. but Vocabulary should be related cryptocurrency and binance theme related words. i think if a user has Creative thinking , then he can guess the word very easily, so in start mind should be creative . in my past experience i tried always simple words but i did not try to guess Flexibility in thoughts . so i think Flexibility in words lead to success. but it is also luck , but i tried my best and got 7 points but now tommrow is last day of the game. and i am anxiously waiting that how much points i got in my rewards. so thank you so much , for reading my this article. all screenshot source my binance account


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