self-denial motivated by a desire for financial independence

I'm probably among the top people who live in self-denial among my circle and leagues of friends; it's not as though I don't know the right thing to do or how to do it, but then I've so programmed myself to sacrifice my time, effort, and money for a course to the point where it seems to be at my own detriment, yet I stood firm in that line, hoping that I'll attain the height I desired, and hopefully thereafter I can relax.


Right from my tender age, I've always envisioned being rich and Living a comfortable life, and I was so obsessed with that dream to the point where I gave it my all to make it a reality. I guess being someone who has tasted poverty by coming from a family that isn't up to middle class and also knows what it feels like to lack and need something without being able to get such things changed my mindset to want to change my life story for good.

It's very funny and unthinkable when some of my friends see my account worth and the amount I get as a wage from my offline job, and yet I live as though I bearily earn up to 14 of that. My lifestyle doesn't display what I'm worthy of, and I tend to just stay simple and live as day as they come, unlike my friends who go clubbing and own the latest and best gadgets, and yet I, who earn more than they all do, still find it hard to purchase a new smartphone and laptop, even though I really need both alongside other items.

I was speaking to a friend of mine a few days ago about clothing shopping and attire, and what inspired the conversation was the fact that he complained about the fact that I've been wearing the same set of clothes he has known me with for the past few years, and after the conversation I myself thought deeply about it and realized I've not purchased any clothing whatever for myself since the year 2021; that's about 2 years, and I don't even think it counts because all the clothing I purchased for myself that year wasn't even more than 3.


It wasn't like I was stingy or didn't want to spend money; in fact, no year has passed that I've failed to buy clothes for my parents and siblings. I love to see them happy and in good spirits, but when it comes to buying for myself, I then remember how I need to invest in my finances in order to have a prosperous future and also strategize my investment in a way whereby my money will be working for me in my absence.

So rather than live large, party, or buy some gadgets I felt I really needed, I instead indulged in an investment and saving culture to create wealth for myself and my future family. I can even remember the last time my phone's screen was damaged. I already spoke with an engineer to help me search for a new phone to use as an alternative should such a thing happen again, but midway through the deal, I was told about a real estate investment plan, and before I knew it, I ditched the phone purchase and went for the investment.


Well, to me, what I'm doing isn't really bad, and I don't see myself stopping most of it anytime soon, but one aspect I've vowed to give preference to looking into for now is the aspect of clothing. I guess it's high time I purchase some new clothes so I can have something to alternate with when going to work, to look decent, mature, and responsible as a teacher ought to be, and I've decided to visit a fabric market once we go on vacation, so I can pick as many as possible to satisfy myself a bit like I do those around me.

I'm also looking into probably purchasing a laptop and a better phone than the one I'm using presently. While I wish to do this, I don't think I'm capable of it for now, and neither am I ready to power down to bring those wishes to reality, but I'll keep them in mind in case I hit a gold mine in my quest for prosperity via investment.

This is written in response to the Hive Learners community prompt on self-denial.

NOTE: The thumbnails was designed by me on canva, while others were snapped with my smartphone.

Thanks so much, stay bless.

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