Exploring the World of My Hustles

Money is an essential part of our lives, and to earn it on a steady basis, one must indulge in one form of work or another because that's how the system of the world is. Although not all jobs or professions come easy, loads of people indulge in more than one just so they can have multiple streams of income to earn more money to sustain themselves and their loved ones, especially during this inflationary period. I'm one of those who indulge in numerous jobs, and today I'll tell you all about what I do for a living and the ones I'm trying to delve into.


To begin with, I'm a teacher by profession, and it's my number one stream of income. I've loved the profession from when I was just a child, probably because my dad and favorite aunt were both teachers, coupled with the fact that I love sharing information and impacting knowledge of what I know to others around me. This being my passion led me into teaching, and I've been doing this for about 10 years now.

Like I said, I'm a teacher, and I teach computer science or information communication technology, depending on how it's addressed in your part of the world. I studied computer science and love anything relating to it and technology devices, so when an opportunity to teach this subject shows up, I take it with joy, as I don't have any major job at the time. I work as a teacher permanently, and I'm an employee of the Lagos State Teaching Service Commission.


Aside from being a teacher, I also work part-time as a shoemaker, fixing and making brand new shoes for myself, friends, and customers, and in return I earn some cash. Although this is just a part-time thing for me as I don't have enough time to indulge in it regularly like I do in teaching and my other niche, it still earns me something to aid my family financially.

I'll also say I'm a blogger. Thanks to Hive, I've improved as a writer and publish content almost on a daily basis. Being a blogger here on Hive has been a source of income for me, and the money has helped me a lot. On many occasions that are crucial, I'm thankful to hive for this and hope to continue in this light to continue earning and helping myself and my family financially.

That's about all I do for a living, and those are what serve as my major source of income at the moment, although presently I'm trying to delving into content creation on Facebook and Instagram, and I'm hoping to push my page to the point where it gets approved for monetization, so it can as well join my leagues of multiple streams of income. In the last few weeks I've been growing the page and just need to be consistent and gather regular followers.

Screenshot from my Facebook page Moretivation

Also in response to the prompt other focal point, I'm one of the working class and breadwinners of my family, and I work tirelessly to make a living so I can play my part in the finance of my family, as I've got retired parents and siblings who look up to me for financial support on a regular basis, and that's what inspired my resilience spirit and commitment to seeking more streams of income to increase my chances of earning more money going forward.

That's about it for my response to the India United Community prompt. You can also participate by reading the details of the topic and then writing your own entry. Also, please do well to give my Facebook page a like and follow my content.

All photos are mine, except stated otherwise.

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