ADULT LIFE || Has it been a bed of roses🌹 or bed of thorn's?

The period of childhood is one almost every child love and enjoy, because of the beauty of spending time with love one's and also getting most of what we desire without lifting a finger, but as we all know, every rose as it thorns, and that's why you'll always see a child longing to grow up and experience the adulthood, cause at that stage we felt life/adulthood is a bed of roses.


Adult life as not been a bed of roses for me, in fact I go through a lot to make ends meet, cater for my family and still live a good life, but below are some reasons why I prefer my life as an adult.

Personally childhood phrase is not a stage of my life I really enjoyed, probably because I went through alot growing up;

  • from being abuse in different ways to being punished for offense I knew nothing about.

  • from moving from one relative to another, to finally settling down with my grandparents.

  • from working hard as a child to purchase stuff I needed, to some relative collecting those items and give it to their own kid, who are almost of same age as I was.

With all I went through as a child, I once wishes I could turn back the hands of time, and change the decision I made as a child which lead me into living with different extended family.

I was kind of angry that very day, so I didn't realise when I said the statement out loud, I was punished and made jest of for that statement, so I change my motive and long for adulthood, because I know at that stage I'll be free from mean uncles and aunts.



While growing up, I wanted to become many things, which changes as time passes by, for instance, my first ambition was to become an Hair Dresser, ☺️ yea I know that's funny, but I grew up among people in the field, I was not allowed to venture into it cause they felt it's for lady's, but I later realize I tend to fall in love with anything related to fashion and beauty, and that's why I've worked and become an expert in almost every fashion related field till date.


One of the major thing I love about my life as an adult is the freedom and free will to do whatever I want, whenever I want to.

I love this because as a child, am not allowed to do things my own way no matter how good it's.

I also enjoy the fact that I'm free from relative that bullied me qas a kid, and now they are trying to get close because they're ashamed of what they did and because they needed my help.


If I had the power to make a change in one situation in my life, it's gonna be my my love/relationship.

I won't have embark on that journey, that distance me from her.🥺



Don't get me wrong, I no break person pikin heart, it just that after several years of running from anything relationship to focus on my ambition, I met this lady, we fell in love and dated for about 5 years, distance came between us, one thing lead to another, we broke up due to not knowing how to manage the distance and busyness, and after 3 years apart, non of us have moved on, still friends, but I don't feel like threading that path with her again.

So over to you

  • How as life treated you?
  • Has your adulthood been a a life filled with bed of roses, bed of thorn's or both?

Let discuss in the comments section, and you can also join the topic and share your post about your Adult life experiences in the Hive learners community


Greetings from @vickoly

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