Not My Shoe Size (LOH #204).

How the female gender fantasizes about the perfect marriage which begins with a bed full of roses with her dreamy prince Charmy.

Honestly, the majority of young girls had similar thoughts to this reference.

Having read this topic, I had difficulty fixing a proper drawing in my head to arrive at the picture. Among my thoughts; I felt it could be counted as normal if it were an arranged marriage and however disastrous if it were a marriage that was self-approved. Starting with the first, I regard an arranged marriage to be normal in such a situation because the woman who's the “wife” had already been accustomed to such a way of life and showed respect even before being married.

Believe me, I slapped myself for using the word “respect” in such form.

But the difference would be the case of a self-approved marriage. Unlike an arranged marriage, a self-approved was done under no pressure and that makes me wonder how the hell I missed such a huge red flag during the courtship stage. I mean, how good was he at hiding under a mask?
On a second note, I would be sure to have been desperate for marriage or money to have missed the sign. As much as am still trying to catch on to the drawing of this picture, I believe so many things could be faked and hidden under the mask but never an authoritative man.

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A cheating partner could play the cards smoothly, likewise a liar or any other points of red flags there is could be washed perfectly clean but not an authoritative partner, it could never be kept hidden for long…Never!!
There is always a cracked line on that facade.
Maybe I might not be a good judge since am yet to be married but as someone who had once received herbfair share of toxicity in relationships, am right to say the red flag was blindly ignored and most times begins with having a “jealous partner” the one who would tell you how possessive he is over his belongings… Blah blah blah…
While most women say “aww” to these, I call it crap once I sense an overreaction to a minor issue.
I don't want to go on and on dwelling much on the courtship stage but the root of such a situation in my opinion began even before the not was tied.

Now to answer these questions;

Would you agree and nod to everything even when it is against your will or feelings?

For starters, it can never be me, and it's no bragging. It's simply a going back to such shoes that suck the feet and gradually eat up the toes before it finishes a person. I began to imagine what other hurts women in these shoes would have to bear aside from what self will be taken from her. When an authoritative man says these things be sure that there's more in the line. I would rather prefer a cheating partner a hundred and one times to an authoritative man whose pleasure comes from turning me into a robot instead of a human being.

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If became me eventually (still can never be) I believe there would be a limit to what I could endure in terms of his rules and regulations and if peradventure is forced beyond my limits, divorce would be the legal step to take but it would be very difficult to achieve. First because am already so frightened by my husband and the fear of what he can do but since it's my limit, I would take that leg anyway as long as it had already been “worst comes to worst in my head” and if he still somehow got an upper hand over me.

Then, in all honesty, six feet would be the end for both of us.A case like this might sound less daring to some people but it's the quickest way to death if not handled on time. No man would love to be a puppet to another how much more a person I vowed to stay forever with. In my opinion, only the woman in question is the judge of her fate and every other opinion holds less weight to hers. The point she decides to bear on that burden of being lower than an employee is the beginning of the long trek until she arrives at her limit and once that happens ever becomes the result is a self-proclaimed decision from a rational mind.

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