WORTH SAVING ~ I hope it makes it!

This crabapple tree was planted twelve years ago. It is on the corner of our property and it's the first thing you see when you come to the stop sign. It catches the morning sun starting around 9 am, but by 11 am it is covered in shade for the remainder of the day. Over the years the tree has leaned in the direction of the sun and I feared that it was going to topple down. The root system opposite the lean was starting to upheave.


Losing this magnificent tree would have been a shame.


As the buds start to unfurl, the pink color is dominant, but the completely opened flowers will be white.


Without the tractor, it would have been impossible to right the ever-bending tree. By putting a chain on the tree I was able to straighten it out. While doing so I heard a few strange sounds, I think the sounds were some of the roots snapping as I stood it up.

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After getting it upright I placed a large boulder behind the tree and braced off the front of the tree with a wooden support.


Despite the stress that the tree went through during my fix, a month later it was showing its appreciation as it exploded into full bloom.

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I think my efforts were well worth the time. Talking about time, only time will tell if the crabapple will make it, so far so good, but it has yet to make it through another winter.

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