Mixing Stella and sumptuous food at Pommy's on Beer Saturday

The perfect accompaniment for a buffet

Rewind to September

I was chatting away with @asiaymalay when she asked if I was having a beer. Well I tried to recollect when I last had a beer....

Off to Google photos I went ...

... to find out that it was Friday 20th September, almost one month!

Are you like me? In so far as you click click and click again, and then don't use the majority of your pictures?

I should really go through my pictures and see if I put them somewhere else.

Let's begin

We will come to the food in a minute. Although now I know the date is the 20th of September that also means that is the last time Cinderfella was let out of the kitchen 🤣

The drink or the beer today I am sure you have already deduced is Stella Artois.

If you read my Beer Saturday posts you will know dark beers are my favourites, but when it comes to blonde beer or lagers as we say in the UK or pilsners some say then you know Stella Artois is right up there at the top!

More on Stella in a wee minute.

Back to the food

I love appetisers and starters, take me anywhere and I gorge on the starters and desserts with the odd bit of red meat thrown in for good measure!

Now back to the drink ....

Stella Artois

Stella Artois is a popular Belgian pilsner beer, first brewed in 1926 in Leuven, Belgium and is known for its crisp, clean taste and slightly hoppy bitterness.

If you want to know more then you can check out the Stella Artois site

Chocolate Cakes anyone

Sharing desserts is a wonderful idea.

Mind you sharing a dessert when you know full well your desert sharing partner won't eat more than a tiny mouthful of chocolate is being a greey fluffing so and so!

Yep, guilty as charged....

The food is all part of the buffet and decribed as predominatly Chinese and India food. I think that more applies to the main courses.


A couple of pints of Stella and truck load of food makes me want to go swimming and work off the calories.

Pommy's is on the Esplanade and this was the view!

As always a Yes from me and of course I will be back again to Pommy's for more Stella and food!


Posting about a beer on a Saturday on the Beer Community ....

It is a whole bunch of fun, so check out The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 380 from the one and only @detlev.

Being Scottish I know how important a part a beer can played in destressing people especially after a hectic few months!

So this #BeerSaturday week I would like to invite @coquicoin to share a beer she might be having in Columbia with us!

Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo Photos taken with smartphone.
@tengolotodo October 13th 2024 (Oct - 7 Premium 1 VR)


Haste Ye Back!

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