Exploring Mossel Bay Point Near Cape St. Blaze

I would like to share some of our adventures we had down in Mossel Bay at the start of the year.

A Short Video At The Bottom Of Post.

It's like they say the best adventures are those unplanned ones and this was definitely one of them. I say this because the main goal of getting out of the house was just to go for a little bit of ice cream.

Needles to say both the ice cream and the adventure panned out spectacular. I am glad I took photos of this adventure and to be quite honest I didn't even think of posting them on Hive until a few weeks ago. Back then I forgot that Hive even existed, but here we are back in action and enjoying every word I put down on "paper".

As the day grew hotter and more humid we decided on going out for some ice cream at Mossel Bay Point and enjoy our ice cream with the wonderful views at the point while listening to the random chatters of tourists. Both me and @Misshugo chose the vanilla flavor topped with honeycomb crumbs, the only problem was that it wasn't nearly enough.


After getting ice cream myself, @Misshugo and her brother decided to take a walk up to the cave at Mossel Bay Point where we would stroll around aimlessly enjoying the drawings on the cave walls until our ice cream "expired."

The view from within the cave at the Point.


@Misshugo still enjoying her ice cream, at this point I wanted to eat hers.


Some information regarding the cave at the point, it's hard to read so I added a link at the bottom of the photo if anyone has some other curiosity's regarding the cave.


Some more information on the cave at Mossel Bay Point here.

In the picture below you can see the wave coming in and also in the bottom left corner there is a small bridge where you can cross from one rock formation to the other.

It's extremely hard to see especially if you don't know what to look for I know.

Okay forget that, notice how when the waves comes in it completely covers the bridge and most of the rocks. This isn't even in stormy weather, so imagine how rough these seas can get when the storms decide to roll in.


In this photo you can see less rock formations, this is where the wave hit it's highest point. I know the angle of my photo is a little bit off but it still represents real nicely, or perhaps only for me because I know what to look for. 😝
A little spec of the left side of the bridge is visible although I doubt anyone will be able to see it.


I know it ain't gold but can you imagine if it was. 🙃


Well we should have probably taken a selfie together as well ey guys? Even though the wind was screwing with my hair it was still very enjoyable.

After taking this photo we decided to continue on the beaten path to see what more we might discover!


@Misshugo waiting impatiently for me and her brother to hurry the hell up.

P.S notice how she still hasn't finished the ice cream, I bet she is taunting me with that last little bit. 😂



Gentle Giants

Some of the mammals that can be seen here at Mossel Bay Point are whales and dolphins. There are a few different species of whales found in the area.

Although I've seen dolphins many times before over here I am yet to see whales, I have also seen some sharks as well and more jelly fish than I can count.


Continuing Down The Beaten Path

We finally left the cave area and went on with the trail where it made us go in a zig-zag pattern for quite some time going uphill.

There were less people after going uphill a bit, like phenomenally less people, that's where the trail got a bit more difficult but seeing that we are still young and capable we decided to go onward.

After all we only live once!

@Misshugo having the time of her life!


Because we are going on an adventure!

Notice how narrow the path really is? Yeah some might say we are crazy for doing this? But then again we had an amazing experience and one that would not soon be forgotten. Especially not the ups and the downs of the trail. 🤣


This was probably the main reason no one ventured further down the path!

Was this meant for only the brave few?

If so we are counted among those brave few! #Feelingproud

Notice how just next to the narrow path the ground slopes downward. Well if you miss your step you might just see the light at the end of the tunnel or no light at all.

Needles to say we ventured real carefully from here on, although dangerous it was well worth it especially what awaited around the corner!

I've always believed in the saying "No Risk, No Reward" and "Fortune Favours The Brave."

And what we saw was well beyond a rewarding level!




The Sort Of Hidden Beach Front

Okay so this might be a little misleading there is actually no beach front only a solid rock wall with a path on top of it but the beauty of it all was truely captivating beyond measure!

Hearing the roar of the ocean.

Watching the waves crash against the natural solid stone wall structure.

Feeling the mist spraying over your face.



This is somewhat irrelevant to this picture but somewhere over there on the farthest cliff side is what we call a foofie slide. 😂

Laughs Laughs

A foofie slide sounds so weird but it's actually a zip line.

Now the first thing that came to my mind was. "How on God's green earth did they span the cable over the ocean and so far as well!?!?"

It's really hard to see but if you look in the second picture and also the third picture below this paragraph you can see someone zip lining down to the Point


Notice in the right center-ish of the photo the little black dot? It's bigger if you view through gallery mode.
Just imagine how fun and scary that must be at the same time.

I notice that they have this little pouchy baggy thing hanging on their sides, that's probably so that you can take all of your belongings with you etc wallet and cellphone and probably your dignity too. 😅


Savouring The Moment And Enjoying The Views

Well since we are this far we decided to take a little break and savour the moments and above all the views! Also dangling our feet off the cliff-side felt like we would live more.

You know?

Get the blood pumping with some adrenaline.


I wont fall of bro! But here's a critter for you!




@Misshugo in her natural habitat, loving the outdoors like no one I've ever met before!

Once again thanks for all the amazing adventures you take me on!

The adventures to come will be even greater!


This might be the end of this post! But it surely isn't the end of this adventure.

Our journey ended at the farthest point of the cliff behind @Misshugo somewhere above her head in the photo. We crawled our way as far down that cliff side as we could get, of course safety was a priority.

Follow me for a glimpse into the rest of the adventure soon to come! I suspect it would have "Lighthouse" in the caption keep your eyes open folks.



To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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