Full Time Hive: The Future of Many

What are you committed to? This is something that we each have to consider.

Of course, there are a myriad of answers depending upon what aspect of life we are referring to. There is health, career, relationship (family), and personal development. Each of these has a variety of subtopics that create a near endless list.

We also each have responsibilities. This also comes in many forms. It would seem the more areas that we check a box on the above list, the more responsibility that flows to us.

As they say, welcome to life.

Nevertheless, many of us are certain a grand change is underway. This is what some are calling Web 3.0. That is a futurist idea of where technology is taking us. Many equate it to the last industrial revolution which basically changed society.

Personally, I believe we are on a path similar. A more understandable correlation, in my view, is the Internet.

So let us take a look at this and what we can ascertain from it.


The Internet Changed Most Everything

The Internet was a tidal wave on society. There are few aspects of life that were not altered, at least in Western cultures. How we worked, played, interacted, and were entertained all were affected.

It is hard to believe that where we were 40 years ago. On the timeline of human history, this is a blink of an eye. Yet, we saw more advancement in the microprocessor age than we did in the previous 2,000 before that.

While it is impossible to separate computing from the equation, the networking of these devices, also knows as the Internet was crucial. This is what caused Mount Everest to burst (not literally).

It supercharged society to the point where, when smartphones showed up, it was game over for much of what existed before. Most industries were affected in some way with a number being obliterated.

There are many of us who believe we are standing on the edge of a move of at least similar proportions.

Web 3.0 - A Nuclear Bomb On Steroid

Web 3.0 is going to be a nuclear bomb on steroids. Without going into the major details, it is best to list what is being ascribed to this.

We are looking at the advancement of:

These are just a few of the possible technologies that will factor into this. One of the keys is the most technological force every created: convergence.

While many of these are powerful on their own, the convergence of some of this is where things get crazy. That is how society changes completely.

Consider this: if you are in a developed country, picture your life without the Internet. There is a chance you cannot even pay some bills.

As we can see, Web 3.0 is a seismic shift.

Hive Is A Microcosm

Hive is a microcosm of this.

It is obvious that it is part of the blockchain/cryptocurrency category. This means Hive is actually a microcosm of a microcosm of this concept. We are but a piece of a much larger puzzle.

That said, we can see how some of the other components could potentially factor in. For example, artificial intelligence is going to be incorporated into any digital platform. We already see how automated services are forming. In fact, the idea of DEX, as an example, is automation.

The Internet is not live. Instead, it is a part of it. Most have our "digital lives" that we regularly engage upon. Again, this can be varied depending upon a number of factors such as demographics, career, and interests. Nevertheless, most of us are leaving some type of digital footprint, even if unknowingly.

Here is the analogy to Web 3.0. It is going to be a part of our lives albeit increasing in magnitude as compared to what went before.

That said, Hive is a piece of this. While it is not going to be the most dominating factor, it is a place where many of us are opting to build our foundation. With the lead of developers who are providing the technical infrastructure, a "new world" can be erected.

It is where many will opt to call home.

Full Time Hive

We discussed the network-state on a number of occasions. This is a valid concept, at least mentally, to operate from.

People are now discussing the attention economy. To me, this is really nothing new since all businesses were dependent upon the "eyeballs" it received. The goal was always to attract users/customers.

Nevertheless, with the rise of the digital world, this is taking on even greater importance. Where people choose to spend their time is crucial.

Here is where full time Hive enters.

As the ecosystem expands, people are going to be able to find more of what they need here. The most obvious component is income.

We cannot escape the fact we live in a monetary world. For the time being, until we reach a post monetary society (if we ever reach that), income is required. We all have bills to pay.

Can people earn a living on Hive? This is a question that is answered in the affirmative with a caveat: a few can.

Due to our size, it is still in its infancy. However, the early days of the Internet also saw small numbers who earned their living there. This, over time, did grow.

I would expect the same thing with Hive.

Another facet is entertainment (or engagement). Where do people go to communicate with each other? Assembly is a part of our experience. It is the foundation for social media.

As development occurs, are we going to see where Hive applications are used more on a daily basis?

Going further, we have information. The Internet because a treasure trove, bringing information to the world like never before. We saw how people changed where they got their news. Instead of broadcast television, Twitter or something like that became the go to source.

On a final note, we have communications. Here is where Hive excels. There is one piece to this puzzle that makes Hive 100% unique: permissionless.

Unless the interaction is face-to-face, all communication occurs only with permission. Whatever medium is used, someone has to approve if. This includes our phones, social media apps, or email. When we have to log in or have an account, the control is outside of us.

Hive offers something completely different. Using a key system, once an account is set up (on the blockchain), the user can log into any application. This means posting to the chain, without the need for anyone's permission. Here is where we have permissionless communication.

In Conclusion

Hive is an expanding ecosystem.

The future is going to be enjoyed by many as we see an expansion of what is offered here. While most focus upon money, which makes sense, the key is going to be the services that people can tap into.

Each day, we have many areas of life where we decide to focus our attention. Ultimately, it boils to us receiving what we need with each decision. As long as we are being fed what is desired, then we will make that our "home" for that area.

To illustrate, some are content watching broadcast television. Other prefer to spent hours on YouTube watching videos on subjects they prefer. Each receives what is desired if they keep returning.

Hive is going to be like this. We often talk about the development of applications (or games). This is what it boils down to.

Developing the ecosystem so they get what is needed.

It is at that point that people will go full time Hive.

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