Mocktail & Cocktail [ what I love to drink in Daily Life?]

One thing is straightforward and clear that I am away from all alcoholic drinks. I cannot even imagine myself with them 😂. But, there are plenty of other drinks which I love to enjoy while sitting with friends. Friends company matter a lot while eating and drinking. I love to do "cheers" with my friends. Striking the glass and saying cheers was like a fantasy for me. I used to watch movies and always I thought that when that time will come when I will say "cheers". That time is now. While having mint-margarita, lemon soda or any other drink, I do cheers 🥂.

To write about cocktail and mocktail, I was scrolling my gallery and searched pictures of different drinks I had in past days, months and years. This was interesting to go through all the memories. Seemingly these all were pictures but clicking on every picture, I was going into a happy flashback. I recalled names in my mind, I recalled friends with whom I delighted that drink and I remembered all those talks. So many memories sprang into my mind.

I remember that on the birthday of my friend @ahmedhayat , we ordered so 4 drinks. I still remember, there was Pina colada. Believe me, it was a new name for me for a drink. One of fellow @inshalicious was aware of cocktail but these drinks were new to me. I was eager to taste them. There was so much fun while taking sip of each cocktail. We really enjoyed.

Another time, with my friends, I ordered peach punch which was really good to sip. I am craving for that again and again. It was really like punch of peach. By the way, these combinations were addition to my knowledge. I got acquaintance with so many new things. It's all thanks to my higher education which took me to Islamabad, Capital city of Pakistan, where I can explore many new things. In past three years, I have tasted, tried and observed so many new things which were normal, different and delicious. Initially, many food items were not suitable to my taste buds but with the passage of time, I developed taste for them. It's good to be adaptable to things and try new things.

Just recently, 4 days back, I went to Chinese Restaurant to enjoy meal with my class friends. It was a sudden plan to go there but these sudden plans are the best.

Restaurant was really vibrant and exotic. Sitting area was comfortable also color, portraits and paintings on the wall were enough to keep us in the spell. I was rotating my head again and again to see every unique side of restaurant. Well, let's talk about what we had in dinner. We enjoyed Chinese rice and there was a permanent thing which I always order - Mint Margarita.

I always order mint margarita as I love it's citrate taste. On the other hand, my friends are lover of Lemon soda which is also a good combination of soda and lemon.
Lemon soda is very popular here. At home, we always have lemon soda and it's commonly known as "Lemo Pani"(لیموں پانی). It's also known as best solution to fight with scorching heat of summer weather. There are so many names of this particular summer drink. It's because of it's wide use and fame.

I have attended so many parties and most consistent thing which I enjoyed in those parties is mint margarita. Although, sometimes there were other soft drinks too but mint margarita is equal to forever ♾️. The picture which you are seeing above is from last year when I went to class friends reunion party. On that party, we all were wearing black outfits as the theme of party was black. We all had a beautiful time with chicken stake and mint margarita. That day was Saturday and that weekend was most special one from 2023. I think I should made a Polaroid of all these memories which all are beautiful in all those imperfect and incomplete days.

Here's another time when I was enjoying mint margarita with my friend. I think I should name this blog "Mint Margarita= All time favorite". Next time, I want to try some different combinations and different drinks so that my taste buds should get variety and I can judge them honestly. After that I will rate all those flavors and drinks. It is going to be really a nice and fun activity.

At last, I want to share another popular drink which we drink here. In the month of Ramadan this particular drink is everywhere. It's name is Jam-e-Shareen. In south Asian countries it comes with different names but there is just a little different in brands. This red color drink is very easy to make. You can buy one bottle of Jam-e-Shareen from market and just stir it's one tea spoon in one glass. It's ready and it's enjoyable too.

This is my entry for inleo april writing contests for day 20

See you next 🌸🌼💮

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