What should we do in new year?

New year is on its way. We all are excited for it. Celebrations for new year are on peak in every street of every city there are gossips of new year. Winter is also enjoying with us as cool air breeze is often slapping our faces. Most of us are enjoying this winter season too but some of people who are resentful to accept winter and their favourite season is not winter they might be not happy with winter season.

## Our ending year 2022

2022 was bitter & sweet at the same time. Many of us experienced different things in this year. Now 2022 is almost at it's verge. How many of you will miss 2022. Surveys show that there are so many people round the globe who are still struggling with the phase of covid which was so strange. Our mind were not accepting the time of covid nineteen. It has given us many things to learn in life. In short , it changed our living style and it's impact is long lasting which we are carrying in our lives.
One thing which everyone of us should do is to make a list of all the highest goals which we have achieved in 2022. In this way we can evaluate wether our year which has passed was productive or not?

### Make a sketch for the next year?

Planning & strategy is key to make one's lifestyle relaxed and successful. I strongly believe that if you will plan and if you will put your positive input in the work you will get positive feedback from the input. Always intentions of people matters. In other case, if you are trying your level best and doing every thing with positive mindset but still you are failing then you should believe that the hard working which I am doing is good but the destiny is not designed for me. God has already a destiny for you. You just have to polish yourself & you have to find the path by which you can achieve your destiny.
You should pick up your notebook & you should make an outline for the next year. Don't forget to deeply analyse your previous year. Obviously you have learned so many lessons from 2022. It's good to note them down and then keep in mind that mistakes which you did in previous year , you will not do them in the following year and you will try to find best version of yourself. Set full list of goals. Don't jump to high goal, first of all set small goals because by following these small goals you can achieve bigger one for which you desired.

  1. Learn a language
  2. Learn a high income skill
  3. Start reading self help books
  4. Waking up early
  5. Writing down your thoughts before bed
  6. Create a proper sleep schedule
  7. Stay hydrated
  8. Sit in silence ten minutes a day
    Learn a new language
    Multilingual people have broader imagination and they can have more access to more people means they have winder diversity chances. I am determined to learn Punjabi language although I can speak very well but I want to write in Sanskrit version.

Learn a high income skill

Skills are highly useful in our professional life. Our living standards are going high & high also physical jobs are fading away & sometimes become hectic that is why people are looking for online jobs and these kind of jobs you can get if you have skill so it's better to learn a skill.

*Start reading self help books *

Books are really good friends & gifts for people. Books improve the personality of readers so it is better to read books
#* waking up early *
Waking up early is habit of successful people we should also adopt this habit if we are not following this.

*writing down your thoughts before bed *

By writing down your thoughts before going to bed you will improve your cognitive ability and you will keep in mind your goals.

Proper sleep schedule

Sleeping habits really matters a lot for our health. Specially mental health which is under high discussion these days it has stronger link with sleep.

Stay hydrated

Hydration is also one of the important thing which keep our life healthy. So stay hydrated.
Keep in mind that in the following year we will do all these things.

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