A Symphony of Numbers - Family love is binding for life!

Being a parent can be a combination of intense feelings, including joy, happiness, love, responsibility, and commitment. It can also be a lifelong commitment that requires a lot of energy, love, and patience. Welcoming a new member in a family alwsys brings in immense joy. It requires a lot of effort in nurturing the kids from all kind of facilities to added responsibility. A parents needs to give maximum efforts in raising the kids. With the changing time and life style many people are preferring a small family and there limiting the number of children to only one may be two. There is a sudden change of mindset when people started preferring a small family over a big family.

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Gifts of God or the Need

While in some communities, raising kids is considered to give gods wishes. No matter if the parents are capable enough for their lookafter. For them kids are the gifts of God and keep bringing this in world as much as possible. I have seen many having 14 or 20 kids especially in rural areas and also some part of cities. But rising kids is all about responsibility andbyou cannot leave them for God's sake. Being a parent we must ensure their proper food and shelter. While few get these, While many were left on the street on gods wishes. Even in my country, people used to have a bigger family. 4-5 was a common number. In the past, families needed many children to work on the farm and to support them in their old age. With no birth control, families had no choice but to have many children. Without social security, many children helped ensure that at least one would be able to care for the parents in their old age. families were often larger because of a number of factors, including:

  • No birth control
  • Farm and household work
  • Social security
  • High child mortality rates
  • Limited access to education
  • Early marriage
  • Religion

There used to be popular joke which says that there were nothing for entertainment in earlier times which results in making the families bigger.

Population blast

Bigger families ensures a bigger family tree. A person can have an extended relation and their own community. I have grown into a average family and enjoyed the benefits of so many of relatives around. We have so many from father side to mother side, uncle, aunt, brother sister to cousin to neice, nephew grandchildren. Having them around makes a closed nit of unity and bonding with helps the society and community. But the changing lifestyle as limiting the growth of the famliy tree. The tree has now shrinked to bare minimum number and kids either enjoy few relatives around Noone around. They were raised alone. Blame them to extensive work culture, or growing trend, or the inflation the new generstion is avoiding to have a bigger family. They are limiting it to one kid or two in their family. They find it happy to raise one. No matter of the gender.

Controlling the birth rate

While many see it as the impact of government steps towards controlling the population index. Our nation is on the number 2 on list and is expected to climb to 1. Government alwsys spread awareness about limiting the families to 2. "hum 2, humare 2" was a popular slogan by the government, which means to have 2 children to the parent. Many people get influenced with it and started to follow. It has advantages as a smaller family is always brings a happy vibes. Mere giving birth is not an issue but the kids upbringing matters. Nowadays everyone wants to give their kids all kind of comfort and facilities. And with rising cost of living, a small family is getting favor of the town. But again similar is the case with rich people so does to middle class family. The rich people who have excess of finances also do not want to raise their family. May be everyone wants their own space and the new generstuon does not want to get into only raising kids in their family. They better enjoy their life differently. Government as well as the individual are slowly avoiding to have bigger family in terms of kids.

"A controlled population will help us in living a healthy and sustainable life"

In my opinion, every individual must understand that our nature is limited so does our Earth. With the increase number of person on earth we are kind of exploiting it. The increasing population is making the situation worse. Every person take responsibility of taking care of the nature and protect them from exploding. Why it takes government to remind us, let them so their duty towards the development of the nation and other major task. Which helps them to grow and sustain our life in better way.

Enjoy the future tomorrow by controlling the population today


Namaste @steemflow

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