
During my university days, there was a time we needed to go for teaching practice. I was in 300, so myself and three of my friends chose a faraway place just to change the environment and at least see what life is like in another place. The place we chose was a remote area, so we were like village boys enjoying the rural life, but to my surprise, we were not enjoying anything like fresh food or fruit, as we were being told that if you're in the village, you'll buy food at a lesser price. The story is different here; there was not much difference as regards food compared to the city where we were coming from.

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Fortunately, after spending a few days there, we met some students who also came for the same purpose as us, but the good part is that they were all female and we were all male. The equation is getting balanced, and with time we started getting used to one another, and before you know it, we became very close friends.

Weekends no longer became as boring as they usually were; we went to their house sometimes, and they also came to visit us.

Amongst the ladies, there was a particular one with whom we were very close; she liked me, and I do likewise. I asked her out, and fortunately for me, I got a yes. It was a very good day for me the day I heard her say, Yes, you need to see how I was jubilating all over the place. I became a lover boy. After our teaching practice program, we all departed for our various schools, but myself and the girl were still in contact.

Suddenly she started showing all sorts of characters. There was a time she told me her brother needed some money to balance his school fee, and their parents don't have money to complete the payment for now, even though his brother's exam was very close. She asked me to please help her brother, saying that they would refund me the money as soon as their parents sent it.

I told her I'm short of cash as well; I only have my school fees with me at that time; our exams are still far away; you know, each school has different calendars; she promised to pay back; she's just trying to avoid her brother missing the whole semester exam; that will be very bad; so in my church mind, she was my baby, so I should be able to help. Moreover, it's not compulsory that I pay my school fees, as at the time, I could still pay later, so I borrowed her money, and according to her, she sent the money to her brother.

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But to my greatest surprise, it got to the point where she ought to pay me back my money. She started giving me all sorts of excuses, and before I knew it, she started avoiding my calls and messages. Then I knew I had been scammed.

I started looking for means of how I would pay up because, at this time, our exams were fast approaching. The pressure was just too much, because there seems to be no way I could pay back the money in that short period, but many thanks to my roommate who helped me out by borrowing me the money in order not to miss exams. Maybe I would have gotten an extra year or something, but my friend like Blood Brother came through for me. I can't just thank him enough; through him, I was able to recover from the intense pressure of how I'll pay up my debt and how I'll catch up with exams. Thankfully, everything was solved.


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