The Case for 2024 - Thriving in Uncertain times

Most, if not all of us, are hoping for bright days ahead but with all kinds of uncertainty ahead, the world economy is facing some big struggles and it’s pulling everything down with it.

At the same time we are still collectively processing new information that is quickly making its way into mainstream consciousness. It feels as if there is a has been a new wave of division in politics in the past few years, but in reality, we are merely becoming aware of different perspectives and cultures which always existed but which we never had the ability to see and are just now developing the context to understand.

(Imagine generated by AI)

Where as the last few years have seen those divisions become more pronounced, I feel like this year it will start to become blatantly obvious just how silly that division is. Not everyone will see it, sure, but I believe the critical mass needed to create meaningful dialogue and compromise will gain control of the narrative.

Some old dinosaurs are dying and others are being forced to pass the torch. Corruption and manipulation is not going anywhere, oh no, but it’s going to have to work a lot harder for a much smaller share of the market. It will lose a large foothold on the world.

At some point soon, the majority is going to realize that they’ve been focused on the best of “their own team” and the worst of “the other team”. More and more people will begin to look to themselves and how to get their own house in order. Sure we are all victims, and some to a greater degree than others, but it’s going to become apparent that focusing on one’s victimhood doesn’t achieve much, even when it’s justified. That’s when we will see things start to improve.

There are solutions to so many of our problems emerging, but we haven’t fully adapted to using those solutions productively at scale. Some of those solutions will look like problems at first. The work is being done right now. It has been in progress for a long time but I feel very strongly that this is the year where we will start to feel that change and next year will be the year where that change will be undeniable.

Bitcoin’s cycles are a good indicator. Crypto adoption, whatever form it takes, is going to be a big part of societal transformation. Whether it’s in opposition to CBDC’s, institutional adoption and promotion of bitcoin, or the instability of fiat money that leads to a surge in people using crypto for exchange or storage, it looks like this year will mark the single biggest shift in adoption. How could it not?

An economic system that is a house of cards is being exposed.

Cryptocurrency is forcing us to question value. Social media is forcing us to question what is real. AI is forcing us to question work and how we spend our time. All this questioning is bound to lead to evolution.

There are clearly powerful people trying to harness this inevitable change in order to steer things to fit their vision, but unlike the conspiracy theorists, I don’t see their visions aligning at all. It seems obvious to me that they are all competing with each other for control or influence, and that this is going to complicate all of their plans. The future cannot be written by any of us. It will follow the trajectory written by the sum of it’s parts, all of us, our hopes and dreams as well as our fears.

I believe this will be a year of revelation and of vindication for both sides of every argument. We will be able to see more clearly both the consistencies and the inconsistencies in our friends and our enemies. Labels will continue to lose their meaning as we see more clearly that each person is a nation with their own language and culture and needs and desires.

It’s easy to assume that people are getting more entrenched in the factions that they’ve chosen to be a part of, and this is the current reality, but this is merely a temporary reaction to the uncertainty caused by mainstream culture breaking down and the process of decentralization accelerating.

2023 will be the year of emancipation from ideology. The critical mass, a significant minority will lead the way in helping the rest see outside their bubbles. The results of this will reach the surface in 2024. The direction society takes will at least begin to reflect the wishes and desires of all of us, and we will become more able to join or create the communities that we truly feel at home in.

It will be a while before these different communities learn how to comfortably interact with each other, but the pieces are all being laid right now to allow this to happen over time.

I expect some things to break this year, and for those who take it at face value, it’s going to be terrifying. For those who remain inflexible, it’s going to be a kick in the face. Take that as an understatement. Demographic changes and a shift in resource distribution is going to shake the whole system even harder than it has been the past few years. The so-called evil plans of different factions will cancel each other out and the results will be very hard to predict. Many people will be forced outside of their comfort zone. AI is going to start displacing people in a noticeable way THIS YEAR at the same time that content monetization really explodes as an industry.

I expect 2023 to be a humbling year, but not necessarily unpleasant for those who keep an open mind. Flexibility and Integrity are the most important virtues right now. In 2024, we will begin to find ourselves in a world that looks very different from what any of us would have expected, not without challenges, but full of hope and opportunity.

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