how to cook jengkol without smell

Rendang jengkol is a recipe made from jengkol fruit which is cooked with a special Minang rendang spice. Many previously thought that this jengkol recipe came from Betawi.

This is indeed reasonable considering that in this area, this food is indeed well known. In addition to jengkol stew recipes that are truly Betawi, this rendang is also a dish that is usually available during Eid, iftar menus or other important events. Some of us may have been allergic to just hearing it because of the smell. Even if we can cook and know the correct Jengkol rendang seasoning, the distinctive smell can be lost and not smelled. For those who are curious, below we have given tips and ways to make rendang jengkol with special spices

For some people who have never felt, jengkol can be a mockery. Especially if it is open because the smell is truly unique. Twin brothers from Petai are indeed for some people food that is avoided. Even if you can cook it, jengkol can be a delicious and delicious recipe. Not inferior to dishes that use other ingredients.

One of the things we will cook this time is the recipe of rendang jengkol. As the name implies, cooking from plant fruits of legumes is cooked using special Jengkol rendang spices. So even though some people seem to avoid, but if you feel it is definitely addictive. Moreover, how to make this Jengkol rendang can be said to be easier and faster than meat rendang you know.

Tips for Making Rendang Jengkol Recipe in order not to smell

To make a recipe for rendang jengkol that is delicious, legit, tender and does not smell can be said to be easy to get easy. To get rid of odors that arise due to sulfur it does require special tips. Although using the same spicy jengkol rendang spice, but if it is not processed first the characteristic smell is still stinging you know. Many who have tasted it said that the recipe for jengkol cuisine with rendang spices tastes almost the same as rendang Daging. For that, below we give some tips on processing the jengkol seeds before cooking with the recipes of rendang padang.


First, the most important thing is that the jengkol that will be used must be really old. If you are young, it smells stronger so it will be very difficult to get rid of. Usually the color of the meat is more towards the color of light brown. Cut the jengkol into 2 then soak it with water used in rice washing. Rice washing water serves to reduce and eliminate the typical odor that will come out when cooking the recipe of Jengkol rendang. This soaking process can be 1 or 2 days. Remember the water must be replaced every day, then wash thoroughly with water. Boil the jengkol with boiling water so that the rest of the odor and the skin peel off all. You can add a little chopped orange leaves so that the fragrance is fresher. Until this stage it is actually ready to be cooked with jengkol rendang seasoning. But to make it more stable, it is better if the jengkol seeds that have been split can be steamed for a while so that they are more tender.

In addition to its unique flavor and makes people who have tasted it addictive, the spicy rendang jengkol recipe is also a lot of nutrition. Call it calcium, iron, folic acid, phosphorus, antioxidants and proteins that are quite high. In addition there is a secret nutritional content that is only found in these food ingredients, namely jengkolat acid.

In addition to these benefits, unfortunately the seeds of leguminous pods also contain side effects that must be wary of overuse. The content of jengkolat acid is good for diabetics and it is also dangerous for kidney sufferers because the granules of this substance are difficult to filter by the kidneys. So it's best and recommended for patients with renal function impairment to reduce the consumption of Jengkol spices or Semur Jengkol recipes. For those who are already curious about how to make spicy rendang jengkol that is tasty, soft and not smelly, you can see it below.

Recipe for Rendang Jengkol

The main ingredient is old jengkol approximately 1/4 kg only. Galangal is approximately 1 finger knuckle adult. The original coconut milk is about 300 ml. The orange leaves are about 2 pcs. Lemongrass bar is about 1 pcs . Greeting leaves approximately 2 pcs.

Bumbu Rendang Jengkol

Large medium size garlic is about 5 pcs. Large medium size red onions are about 5 pcs. Fruit curly red chili to taste according to taste or about 5 to 7 pcs. Large enough red chili or approximately 3 to 5 pcs. Granular granules are about 1 small spoon. Big medium size jahe is about 3 cm long. The leaves are about 2 pcs. Can be roasted first to make it more fragrant.

Other ingredients and seasonings

Sugar to taste according to taste. Soft pepper to taste according to taste. Salt salt iodine to taste according to taste. Flavor sufficient taste if you like. Oil fried enough to saute the rendang seasoning.

How to make rendang jengkol

First, soak the jengkol with rice washing water for about 1 or 2 days so that the aroma disappears. After that, wash it and put it into boiling water until the jengkol seeds are tender. Clean the jengkol skin if it is still there. it will easily seep then set aside. Smooth and uleg chili, ginger, candlenut, coriander, garlic and shallots until smooth galangal and lemongrass stalks then stir until a special fragrant smell of rendang is found. Pour the coconut milk that has been prepared along with the jengkol seeds then stir until boiling. Pour the kitchen salt together with fine pepper, sugar and flavoring if you like and stir stir again. The rendang jengkol taste test, if necessary add salt and sugar seasoning if needed. Cook and stir until the sauce thickens.

Finished with a special jengkol cooking process with the above rendang seasoning. Although the process and the way to make rendang jengkol requires a lot of time, but it is good and delicious is not the taste. The rendang jengkol recipe is not inferior to the Jengkol stew recipe or even the non-meat rendang recipe. For friends who are a little worried about urine when going to the bathroom. It is highly recommended after a while to eat coffee so that the urine will not smell. For ideas for recipes with other special spices, please try the potato-fried chili recipe, rawon recipe or soto meat recipe with delicious and delicious sauce.

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