
“Olivia Dickson just stepped out of her apartment now,”
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“Uhmm…what has that got to do with me?” I asked as I pulled my pants up my waist, pinning my phone to my ear with my shoulder as I checked through my closet for a matching shirt.

“What? Something seems fishy with her!”

“Listen, Sam. I understand you give tips for a living but I don’t really have time for that this morning!” I was about to drop the call when he cut me off.

“Wait…Wait…Wait. Hold on. She has a child with her. She is dressed all shady and now she is walking into the car with a child,”

“What?” Now, that caught my attention. “Do you have an idea where they are heading?”

“I’ll find out. Hold on, she’s on a call.”

“With who? What’s she saying?” I draped my shirt on as I reached out for my camera. I grabbed my car keys and my ID card before staring at the mirror for a brief second. “You’re still there, Sam?”

“Yes, Yes. She didn’t mention on the call where she was heading. I’d just trail her car.”

“Oh, good! Keep me updated,”

“Another off thing is that she’s driving with no bodyguards. She’s going alone with the child.”

“Oh, she must have somewhere quite important to be. I will be right on her soon,” I replied to Sam before igniting the car and driving off.

Working as a faceless paparazzi has its pros and cons but working with Sam with several reliable tips has made it quite easy for me.

Just a few miles away from me, I saw exactly the description of Olivia’s car taking a left turn to a deserted street.

“Where the hell did she come from?!” I said to myself as I immediately followed her at a reasonable distance.

She drove for a few minutes before coming to a halt in front of an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. I stopped my car a few miles away from the building, just enough to watch her but not for me to be seen.

I grabbed my camera and took a shot of her as she stepped out of the car. I took a picture of the building and the environment.

I watched as she stepped out of the car and walked over to the back seat. She then shut the car after walking away with the child. I took several shots of her entry into the building but I was unable to catch her face or the kid’s face.

“That dickhead is never wrong!” I giggled as I dropped the camera and rested my head against the headrest. “I guess we might have a long day,” I said to myself as I planned to wait on her till she stepped back out.

After thirty minutes of yawning, napping and yapping, I got tired of waiting so I impulsively grabbed my ID card and my camera.

I discreetly shut my car door and walked cautiously towards the building without failing to look over my shoulder. As I got to the giant door, I slowly pushed it open and it effortlessly opened.

As I got in, I was greeted by the greatest shock I had ever experienced in my life.

There was a whole party going on.

In contrast, the interior part of the building was like that of a five-star hotel and the party looked like it was meant for wealthy people of class alone.

I stood still by the door, overwhelmed by the crowd who seemed not to have noticed my presence. I looked all around still with my mouth open.

“What on earth is going on here?!” I asked myself as I was still standing in shock.

“It's just a low-key party for people at the top,” I got a response and as I turned to my right where the answer came from, I was faced with an even greater shock.

“Sam!!” I exclaimed.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him and he chuckled, standing beside me.

“Attending a party. I thought that was obvious though,” he retorted with a straight face focused ahead while mine was focused on him.

“Explain!” I demanded and he smiled before looking over at me.

“This party is held once a year and has been going on for five years now. Celebrities, people of high importance and dignitaries come together to celebrate their achievements secretly without the intrusion of paparazzi. Olivia reached out to me out of nowhere about wanting a photographer who can be trusted so I chose you instead. Took you a while to walk in though,”

“How about the child that was with Olivia?”

“That’s her child. She kept it from the public.”

“Why does she suddenly want it known now? I mean the whole party thing. Why does she need a photographer?”

“To have a picture of memories with her child.”

It all doesn't make sense to me but I guess celebrities also need their private time regardless of their fame.

This is my submission to the Inleo prompt suggestion for the month of April. The topic is "Paparazzi, Photo Dump....". You can join here. This is the calendar


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