A Day in Moshi: Rent, Foot Update, and the Kenyan Border Mystery

Hey everyone,

Today wasn't super eventful, but there were a couple things I wanted to share. First off, I had to pay rent, which meant a trip to the bank with my still-not-great foot. On the bright side, I took some pictures of Moshi along the way - hopefully you'll enjoy a glimpse of the city!


Speaking of my foot, there's been some improvement! The pain isn't constant anymore, only when I'm walking around. It looks better too, so hopefully it'll be back to normal soon.

Now, onto the slightly more frustrating topic: the Kenyan border situation. As you might recall, I had a big issue where border control wouldn't let me leave the country and even refused to contact my embassy. Basically, they held me hostage (which, by the way, is a violation of international law).

Two days later, I managed to get out through a different border. Recently, the Kenyan police has started investigating. They contacted me on WhatsApp a few days ago, and things are getting stranger by the day.


There's a big part of this that just doesn't add up. They keep asking for a photo of the exit stamp, but the officer who wouldn't let me leave never gave me one. He actually denied my exit and put me on a bus back to the city! I explained this and told them another border provided the stamp later, but they insist they need the original stamp to find this as "proof" related to this officer. It just doesn't connect to the man who caused the problem in the first place.


Even more concerning, they want me to return to Kenya. First, they want me to sign a document, but when I expressed hesitation about returning, they switched to asking me to identify this officer in a lineup. And all of this communication is happening on a personal WhatsApp number, which makes the whole situation incredibly suspicious.

Overall, it's a confusing situation.

On a brighter note, my foot is definitely on the mend. Here's to hoping it keeps getting better!

That's all for today. I'll just be relaxing and grabbing some dinner later.

Stay tuned for more updates!



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