Trip to Switzerland (Zurich City)

I had joined the current company for less than six months. Even though I am considered a new joiner, I was given the opportunity to join the other colleagues to attend a 3 days technical training that was held in Zurich, Switzerland.

I've been traveling to various parts of the world on a business trip. However, this is my first time going to any European country. The training was scheduled for 3 days. But my colleagues and I planned to extend our trip to visit as much of Switzerland as we could.

The initial trip was scheduled from 5th May 2024 until 8th May 2024. After discussing with my colleagues, we agreed to extend the trip from the original date which is the 8th of May to the 16th of May 2024. Thankfully, my boss allowed me to extend my trip.

From KLIA we boarded the Qatar Airways flight to Hamad International Airport in Qatar. At Qatar, we are required to wait for four hours before boarding our next flight to Zurich Airport.

The flight from KLIA to Qatar took around 7+ hours and the flight from Qatar to Zurich is another 7+ hours. Including the transit waiting time, which means my colleagues and I have been traveling for 18 hours from Malaysia to Switzerland.

My colleagues and I at Zurich Airport

Upon arriving at Zurich Airport, we didn't waste any time and booked an airport shuttle to Zurich Airport Hotel. At the hotel, we did a self-check-in and went into our room after the room key card was issued to us.

In the room, we took an hour's rest to refresh. Around 11 am, we then went out of the hotel using Uber to Zurich City. We plan to get our lunch and do a short walk city tour after lunch

It was raining heavily when we were taking our lunch. Thankfully, the heavy rain subsided by the time we finished our lunch. However, it was drizzling for the whole day thus making the weather colder than when we touched down at Zurich airport.

We spent around 3 hours in the city. We were all exhausted from the long flight. So we decided to head back to the hotel and get a good rest for the day. The following day would be the start of our 3 days training.

Take a stroll in Zurich city

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