I have never compared my kids or made competition a part of their upbringing

First of all, let me tell you guys that I am happily married and is blessed with two sons. The Elder will be of four years of age by 13th April this year and the other is two and a half year of age. As every other parent, we too have dream child raising plans but let me be very clear here that everything doesn’t go that way what we think of and this is the essence of life that teaches us new things on our way forward.


As a parent, I want to make sure that I never compare my children to others, nor do I push them into unnecessary competitions. It's their choice what they want to do when they grow up, but it's my responsibility to provide them with the right guidance. It's crucial to correct them and guide them on the right path whenever they make mistakes. This is something many advise against, but in my opinion, childhood habits tend to solidify early on, and if we don't address them during childhood, they can become bigger issues later on.


I can't ignore every mistake they make. It's important to explain to them first when they make a mistake, and if necessary, it's important to discipline them with understanding whether they were right or wrong. Some children are sensitive, some are aggressive, and some are stubborn. But it's our job to bring about improvement and understanding in all these areas with love, neither too much scolding nor too much pampering. It's about finding the right balance, and that's what I'm striving for.

My aim is to never compare them to anyone else. I haven't done it so far, and I plan to continue with this approach. When they eventually go to school, I won't push them into competitions; instead, I'll focus on teaching them skills and encouraging them to understand concepts deeply rather than just memorizing for the sake of grades. Understanding one chapter out of ten thoroughly is better, in my opinion, than cramming and getting higher marks without truly comprehending the material.


I want to share something personal about my parenting journey. My child didn't start speaking until he was a year old. Everyone around me began suggesting to show him to a doctor or do this and that. But I believed that when the right time comes, he will speak, because every child is unique. Some excel in one area while others in different aspects. I refrained from forcing him to do what other kids were doing, because that could lead to more serious issues. Some children grasp things quickly, while others take more time. It's essential not to treat them all the same way.

People often perceive me as strict, but in my view, one parent should be strict, while the other should be more lenient. That's the dynamic I observed in my own parents; my mother was strict, while my father was friendly. This balance allowed us to share everything with our father without fear, and in the end, we realized they were both on the same page, planning our upbringing together. I aim to create a similar environment for my children as I experienced while growing up.


I want to see my children succeed, not in a race against others, but in whatever they enjoy and can excel in. I never want them to become disrespectful, and if I have to be strict to instill discipline, I will, because in my view, discipline and love for family are paramount values.

My younger child, who is two and a half years old, got his teeth late. Many suggested giving him medication, but I believe his teeth will come out naturally when his body is ready. I'd rather avoid unnecessary medications that could lead to further issues. I might come across as overly protective, but that's just who I am when it comes to my children.

All above pictures are mine and taken at different occasions.

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