Hot Pot is LIFE | Homemade Hot Pot

Hot Pot is LIFE

This is not my 1st post on Hot Pot and it will not be my last. When a dish makes the type of impact on you that Hot Pot does, you do not fight it. You embrace the goodness, hit the grocery store, fire up the butane stove, and get to work. Then you post photos in everyone's faces until they have no choice but to indulge in this cuisine themselves.

Let's get into it.

Hot Pot Pot Cooking

Homemade Shrimp Balls

One of the many options that make Hot Pot so desirable is the numerous variations of balls to add to the process. The balls are almost always loaded with protein along with varying flavours that can take this meal to the next level.

The next few photos take you through the process of making shrimp balls from scratch.

Shrimp Ball Mix

The shrimp mixture is a combination of:

  • peeled, deveined shrimp/prawn (pat dry with paper towel)
  • beaten egg white
  • scallion
  • white pepper
  • kosher salt
  • cornstarch
  • Shaoxing wine
  • cooking oil

Egg Whites

Put all ingredients in a food processor until mixed well. You may need to utilize a pulse method of blending while stopping intermittently to scrape the sides back into the blade area.

Mix For Shrimp Balls

At this point, you should have your mixture ready to go! With wet hands, form small balls on a lined baking sheet. Put balls into the fridge to firm up until ready to cook.

Homemade Shrimp Balls

Prepare a platter or a baking sheet of the balls you will be serving. I normally go overboard in this area, but that's what Hot Pot is all about. For me, this form of cuisine is entirely about enjoying yourself with others which involves overindulging with everything that goes along with it.

Shrimp, Tofu, Lobster & Fish Balls

This next step is an absolute must. Having some sauces to add gives you the ability to satisfy more people with options to please every palate. Not everyone wants spicy broth; not everyone likes overpowering ginger flavours.

Having some sauces that can provide these stronger tastes is essential. These 2 sauces are scrumptious and go so well with the entire dish.

Homemade Scallion Hot Pepper Sauce

  • peanut oil or olive oil
  • soy sauce
  • rice vinegar
  • hot chili oil
  • chili peppers
  • scallions
  • cilantro
  • ginger

Homemade Scallion Hot Pepper Sauce Base

Chopped Peppers For Sauce

This is my favourite of the two sauces and it packs a nice spicy punch along with a plethora of flavours.

It is simple to prepare this sauce as you toss all vegetables and herbs into a small bowl, heat up the oil in a saucepan, then drizzle the hot oil over the greens.

Homemade Scallion Hot Pepper Sauce

Ginger Scallion Sauce

  • peanut oil
  • minced ginger
  • scallions
  • kosher salt
  • ground white pepper
  • sesame oil

Ginger Scallion Sauce

Homemade Ginger Scallion Sauce

For this sauce, be sure to heat the oil first, then cook the ginger for 1 minute with the scallions soon to follow for an additional 2 minutes. Remove from heat and add the rest of the ingredients. You can refrigerate it overnight but you want to serve it at room temperature.

Homemade Ginger Scallion & Scallion Hot Pepper Sauce

Hot Pot Broth

  • chicken broth or water
  • barbeque sauce
  • Asian fish sauce
  • sugar
  • kosher salt
  • limes

Hot Pot Broth At Beginning

BBQ Sauce For Broth

The broth is straightforward and easy to make. There is no need to get too fancy with the broth as you have the sauces and many flavours that go into it during the cooking process. Be prepared to have extra broth on standby as it will deplete fast as you rotate through your cooking batches.


  • bok choy
  • corn on the cob
  • enoki mushrooms
  • seafood mushrooms
  • spinach
  • lotus root

Bok Choy

These are just some of the extras that I enjoy in my Hot Pot but the possibilities really are endless. While I may be excessive in the protein department, I stick to these veggies for my preference. The beautiful thing about this cuisine is that no two versions need to be the same. Find the combinations that you prefer and go with them. You cannot go wrong.

Many people enjoy seaweed, dumplings and many other items. You can Hot Pot anything!

Seafood Mushrooms (prefer Enoki)

Rice Noodle

Purchase the rice noodle that you prefer and follow the instructions on the package. Do not forget to rinse with cold water after draining. If you skip this step, you will have one ball of noodles stuck together which becomes a challenge to eat properly.

Rice Noodle

Meat & Seafood

Similar to vegetables, the world is at your fingertips with which meats you prefer using. Many markets sell Hot Pot ready packages of different meats.

In my case, I live in a city with an enormous amount of Chinese influence where anything and everything is available.

Pacific Tiger Prawns

Pacific Tiger Prawns are one of my favourite additions, but any prawn would do the trick. Sea Scallops are an ideal ingredient as well.

For fish, our treasure in the Pacific Northwest is a fish called Pacific Halibut. We refer to it as "white gold". While it is a bit pricey, this fish has a wonderful texture that cooks firm and tastes amazing. Again, this is an area where almost any fish can work.

Tiger Prawn

Red Meats

On this day, we used thinly sliced beef and thinly sliced pork. This always seems to go well with the seafood options that I can never seem to pass up. Lamb is a great addition to Hot Pot so do not hesitate to experiment!

Thinly Sliced Beef

Ready To Eat

Now that all of the food is at the table and ready to dive into, fire up that butane stove and start with your hardest vegetables first, then start adding everything else in batches.

Served Table


It is important to have some Hot Pot specific tools of the trade to maneuver the ingredients around the table. A selection of ladles, broth spoons and large chopsticks will aid in efficiently serving Hot Pot to your guests.

Hot Pot Utensils

Grab some wine. You only live once.

Hot Pot & Wine

Call me strange, but there are dishes out in the world that nearly provide an intimate type of experience with. I am not talking about something that arouses your sexual desires, I am referring to a drawn-out process so pleasing to the palette that the senses you possess through your mouth sync up with your soul. Moments where a slight sense of euphoria has spread around the room, removing the space of all anxieties and inhibitions making room for undeniable smiles and contagiously easy-going conversation.

Hot Pot is one of those magical pastimes that bring out the best in your company creating memories each and every time you partake in it.

Hot Pot Cooking

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