Three Tune Tuesday #146 .:. Detektivbyran + St.Petersburg street music scenes






I will start from afar. Did you enjoyed the 'Amely' soundtrack by Jan Tiersen? dont pass this this blog, then. Since Christmas I wanted to present you this music, it seems to me a perfect match to this holiday mood. The name is not known widely, so I'd be glad to introduce you to it. Worth your attention: Detektivbyrån. It's better late than nothing, right?

Detektivbyrån - Om Du Möter Varg

(live; you can see glockandspiel and theremin play here - a splendid and memorable sight!)

If you've ever walked the streets of London or Stockholm, perhaps you might come across a street musician who looks like a one-man band? then you already may be familiar with Anders Molin. He is a Swedish musician, known not only for his one-man-band street performances of cover songs; he is the person standing behind Detektivbyrån - quite an interesting and pretty unique musical project from Sweden.

Detektivbyrån trio was founded back in 2005 in Geteborg, Sweden, by Molin brothers. Martin Molin was in charge of theremin, toy piano, glockenspiel, tractophone; Anders Molin played accordeon and barrel organ - not a very common instruments for a rock band. But Detektivbyrån is not a rock band. The band's sound was inspired by the folk musical traditions of Värmland (region of Sweden where they were born) and the "Amelie" OST, where these instruments featured a lot. The band used to perform as street musicians for a while, which also encouraged the use of portable instruments such as glockenspiel.

(Tram sessions - live)

I'm not going to retell the band's wiki bio page. In brief, the story goes like this. The 1st EP 'Hemvägen' (2006) reached #3 in the Swedish charts and attracted sufficient attention to the band, for two years they toured across Sweden and Europe. In the summer of 2008 they released a full-length album 'Wermland'. Alas, the group could not keep up with the pace of touring life and growing popularity. At the beginning of 2009, drummer Jun Ekström left the band, the project was put on pause, and in August 2010 it was officially closed.

Detektivbyrån - Generation Celebration

(live @ Electric Ballroom, London 04.02.2009)

At this point you might think their toy-like music is pretty monotonous, all the melodies look the same... did you really consider so? Well, I can't argue with that, and perhaps this may be the reason the group broke up - this music is so perfect, so polished, there is no room left to develop any further (ofc I might be wrong). And this does not stop me from enjoying this music every time I encounter it. It’s especially cool to encounter it live, on the streets!

Detektivbyrån - Partyland

(live @ Stadsteatern, 2011-08-10)

Detektivbyrån - Camping

(from 'Wermland' LP, 2008)

In 2011 the project Wintergatan appeared, which continues and develops the Detektivbyrån sound. Make a YouTube search for this title, and you will got some pretty spectacle videos of amazing instruments assembled by Arthur Moline. I won't say that I enjoy massively the music itself - but it is really entertaining and curious.

I really wish you will brighten next Christmas with their music. Hope you enjoyed today's music selection, and travelling around the globe without leaving the Hive. 😎 The post goes for Three Tune Tuesday challenge run by @ablaze. Previous issues: 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 118 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 131 | 140 | 141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 146


All videos and music is copyrighted by the artists, not me!
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