Adventures Near and Far: A Traveller's Odyssey

Travelling can be a passion and necessity for individuals. Whether it's embarking on an adventurous journey to a faraway destination or just exploring hidden gems nearby, they find joy in every aspect of it. Just like some other people, I enjoy travelling but when it becomes too much, it irks me much as I do not like too much stress involved in it. Travelling is something I do when I need to visit someone, meet with family, have an appointment to attend, going on an adventure/excursion etc. Travelling to me, is fun and a way to leave my comfort zone while learning and exploring new things along the way.


When it comes to travelling, I feel tired and frustrated when the journey is longer than expected, which is why I prefer short-distance journeys to long ones. The last time I travelled a long distance which took over 13 hours was when I was posted to Kebbi state (the south) for my camping training. I was enjoying the journey for a while until everything became tiring — my eyes were sore, had itches in my body, headaches and even cramps in my legs as a result of sitting for too long on a spot which does not allow blood to flow well. Though there were times we had to stop to rest and that was because we were constantly stopped at checkpoints or where someone had to urinate. At that moment, I was pissed off but thanked God for the journey because I learnt new things, made friends and explored new places.

When it comes to packing for my travelling, I aim at efficiency, carefully taking the few clothes I would need and the necessary and important items to minimise packing weight. I hate carrying too much load because of facing the stress on the road especially when it comes to going by public transport — if your luggage isn't well organised, these bus drivers can frustrate you and sometimes, your stuff is roughly tampered with, what concerns them!

With careful planning, I arrange my bag to fit everything in so that in the end, all I would have is a small bag hung around my arm and the other one which contains my clothing and items to use. I am a firm believer in packing light to make it more comfortable and stress-free, opting for multi-purpose items that serve their function on the road and when I get to my destination. Every item in my bag is chosen with practicality in my mind as it is one way I employ minimalism as a practice in my daily life.

Despite enjoying the thrill and pleasures of long-distance journeys, discovering the wonders close to home works like magic and it's like a charm so unique. Exploring the old-fashioned towns that brings curiosity to one, hiking scenic trails or simply taking pleasure in exploring local cuisines can turn a weekend getaway or hangout into a memorable adventure. Notwithstanding, the long distance in a journey brings about new experiences, memories that live forever in an individual's heart and the joy felt during the time. To me, whether it's navigating through bustling cities/streets, or marvelling at nature's wonders, I embrace every journey with curiosity and a sense of wonder making me want to learn more and relish the moment as I am eager to uncover the beauty and diversity of our world.

The image solely belongs to me

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