My ThyCa Journey: How I found out about my cancer?

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Surprise, surprise!

This year started really well for me. My boyfriend and I moved to our new place (I'll definitely give a quick tour soon!), had a dream summer vacation scheduled, work has been fun and fulfilling and I've never been as dedicated in my practice runs and other physical activities as before (I signed up for 16km, 21km and 32km races this year!). I was ecstatic to make the most out of this year then this ugly thing happened.

I don’t even know how to begin writing this. It’s been a month since my surgery and although for most of the time, I've acted positive and reasonable, there are just days when I couldn't help but feel a little sad and worried.

Today, I'll be sharing how I found out about my Big C and how grateful I am we found it sooner rather than later.

January 2024: Incidental Finding

Part of the benefits I got from my last promotion was a yearly Executive Check-up in Cebu's finest medical institution, Chong Hua Hospital. This is a very costly medical package (~ $660) that if you don't feel anything wrong with your body, you won't normal think of paying for one. Gladly, I got it all for free! I was excited since it was my first Executive Check-up; particularly interested with the Stress Test. 😅 As a runner, I've been wanting to see how the work I put in translates medically. I did great in the tests; everything was up and running just as they're supposed to except for one suspicious part of my body.


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When it came to the Physical Exam that will be conducted by an ENT, a slight worry kicked in. The ENT felt a lump in my throat and asked for an ultrasound. This test wasn't part of my initial package so we had to ask for approval first. Eventually, the request was granted and I waited for my turn for the neck ultrasound. All the printed results will be available a week later but they have a patient portal where I could see real-time updates about my laboratory and other medical test results.

I've read in the ultrasound result that I have a few nodes or focal lesions in my left thyroid showing features that are consistent with TI-RADS Levels 2, 4-5. New term for me so I had to do a lot of Googling and found out that this might not just be a regular lump.

By the way, TI RADS stands for Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System "a reporting system for thyroid nodules on ultrasound proposed by the American College of Radiology (ACR)" [1]. This report standardizes recommendations on what to do next. My score recommended a fine needle biopsy (FNA).



April 2024: Moment of Truth

February & March passed by like the speed of lightning and I didn't hear a word from our company clinic. I forwarded to them all my results. My expectation is that they'd act with urgency. I went to multiple work trips, traveled to my dream summer destination and when things finally start falling into place, I realized they haven't called back. I called them and insisted they look at my results right away. You couldn't just go to the hospital and request for FNA if you don't have a Doctor's request. Our company doctor met me and explained what the results meant. By this time, I was well aware of my situation and was eager to get over it the soonest possible time.

Fast forward mid-April 2024, I visited the ENT who initially found out about the lump and asked him what's next for me. He gave orders for FNA; got it in Chong Hua for $479 outpatient procedure. One week later and a day before another work trip to Cagayan, my FNA result confirmed that the nodule in my left thyroid is malignant.


"What? This doesn't make sense!"

"You gotta be kidding me!"

"This is insane!"

Random thoughts and questions ran through my mind the entire time I was in the hospital to get my results. Although part of me already accepted the huge possibility of this happening, it still felt surreal to confirm it in a piece of paper!

But as my life's mantra suggests "Life must go on!". I was sad for a bit but there's nothing I could do except accepting the fact that this unwanted guest is inside me and that modern medical technology will get rid of this in my system before I know it. The following day, I travelled to Cagayan de Oro City for work, jogged every day, had sumptuous meals with our team in CDO. It was like any other normal week for me.

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Night flight to Cagayan



Morning runs around CDO City Center

Make or break: Early detection

How I wish I could confidently sing "I saw the sign!", but I didn't. I've read hundreds of similar stories but mine was unique. I didn't feel anything. Truth be told, I haven't felt healthier in my life than in these last months. And personally, this is the scariest part. Imagine if my ENT didn't take his job seriously? What if he brushed off that little lump he felt in my throat during the physical exam and thought to himself "She's too young for a thyroid cancer!"

I'm one of the lucky ones who was able to have an early detection of cancer. What I'm really trying to say is that "Get tested!" If you have the capacity to pay for an annual executive check-up, by all means, get it! I've lived a healthy lifestyle all these year and very young but I still got it. I'm grateful more than sad and disappointed. This could've been worse. I'll say the rest of my surgery and recovery journey next time.

Thank you for reading until the end! Life is indeed full of revelations but you'd be surprised how each event in the past led you to where you are now, more than equipped to face whatever is thrown your way. Fighting! 🥰



Living life intentionally every single day, she believes that there’s no limit to one’s potential. Right now, she’s on the loose for the pursuit of endless holistic self-growth and development. She wants to light the way for others. She believes there’s no better way to leave a legacy than to pay it forward.

Her ultimate goal in life is to reach the state of enlightenment where there’s nothing but peace, love, happiness, and contentment - nothing more, nothing less.

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