Meet the Humane AI Pin: Voice, Gesture, AI – No Screens Needed!

Wearable technology keeps improving, and even more so in recent times. It's impressive how the innovative gadgets coming in are going to affect the world. In that light, Humane introduces a groundbreaking device that integrates AI into our daily lives, and, interestingly, it doesn't have screens.

We have seen smartwatches, Apple's Vision Pro, and other wearable devices change how we interact with technology every day. This time with Humane, we have something quite fascinating—the Humane AI Pin—and it prioritises voice, gesture controls, and uses AI to enhance its users interactions without depending on screens.


The Humane AI pin is a really small device, and it attaches magnetically to the wearer's lape, making it non-conspicuous. It has a camera, microphone, depth, and motion sensors, all packed into its compact design. And it is powered by a Qualcomm chip that uses AI.

Wearers can interact with the device using their voice to perform tasks like making calls, sending messages, setting reminders, or even controlling smart home devices. It also recognises gestures, allowing one to navigate and perform actions without the need for physical buttons or touchscreens like we used to with conventional devices. It sounds like something the Vision Pro already does, but there are more things that are unique to this device.

The camera on the Humane AI pin enables users to use recognition capabilities, such as identifying objects, landmarks, or text on a wall. This is something that we see phones do normally, but it's a useful thing to have on a device that doesn't have screens to do tasks like translating text, identifying things, or providing more information about something.

Something very fascinating about the AI pin is that it has a laser-ink display that projects information or graphics onto the palms of its users, allowing the user to interact with it that way instead of using touchscreens.


Users can also make voice and video calls with the AI pin. And, also, it offers live translations. It can act as a personal assistant to provide personalised recommendations and reminders, provide directions using GPS, and users can also listen to music with it.

“Ai Pin is the embodiment of our vision to integrate AI into the fabric of daily life, enhancing our capabilities without overshadowing our humanity. We are proud to finally unveil what we and the team at Humane have been working on for the past four years. For us, Ai Pin is just the beginning.” The founders of Humane said in their release.

The main idea of the device is to provide users with a simple method of interacting with technology without being dependent on screens or smartphones, apparently.


Users don't have to worry about powering it or using it for long as it is built with something they call a battery booster. The battery booster can be swapped, helping its users have uninterrupted usage and battery life that'll last the entire day.

To get a Humane AI pin, it costs $699. And there will be a monthly subscription of $24. That's quite a lot, but for an innovative device like this that has a lot of prospects in the future of technology, maybe it's not so bad after all.

The experience using this device is way different from what we are used to with our smartphones and other wearable devices. How society will accept it is a concern. If you could get one for yourself, would you? What do you think about this Humane AI pin?

All images are from

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