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Childhood is a lot of fun. This is when most of the memorable things happen to us. We learn the good, the bad, and the ugly from this stage. This stage is when the environment play a major impact to our growth and development. If the environment is a good one, we tend to grow in a good and acceptable way without any issues. If the environment is a bad one, filled with fights and quarrels, filled with different criminal acts, then the child will tend to grow up knowing these things as the right way of life. Well, not all children continue in such way as some find vindication through one way or another.

During childhood, our parents were always there for us. Provided every single thing we need, went out of their way to ensure that we are comfortable even though they are not, put food in our mouth while remaining hungry, bought many gifts for us at the expense of their comfortability. Parents are really heros and I hope to be like my parents, or better still, surpass them because that is what they always wanted, for me to surpass them.

I would not say that my childhood was all perfect and flashy, but one thing I can proudly say is that my childhood is the best thing that ever happened to me throughout my life till date. It was an amazing time when everything I need was provided by my parents. I cared less of where the money was coming from. All I knew was for my needs to be met, no matter what. Meet my needs else the house will not rest. Haha.

I know this prompt is about an "item from childhood," but at this point, I can not clearly think of an item I miss from childhood because I miss the most important person in my life.

Aside parents, there is this God sent that most (if not every) family have. They are two people. Adult, old and tells lots of stories. Sometimes I wonder how they knew these stories,if the were there to witness the events first hand. Their story telling is always realistic even though they are mere fictions.

The one person I have during my childhood is my grandma. Grandpa left Grandma on earth alone before I was born. My grandma was the main person that should perfect love. Love is not enough to express how I value her. She is as perfect as water satisfying a thirsty man that just arrived from a trip through the dessert.

I had intensions of sharing something else for this prompt, but when I thought of her, my memory wiped and I could not think straight, so I decided to post about her so i could express how much I miss her.

It pains me when people show me their grandparents. I feel so unhappy because I wish I had mine with me but well, it is what it is. She left when I was still a child and I till miss her till date.

If you have your grand parent with you, you should cherish each and every single moment with them because you will really miss them when they are gone. Obey them, do the most embarrassing things for them, make them laugh and above all, thrive to get their blessings.

Though I was not the best kid, I am happy to have spend the little time I spent with my granny. I am glad because I know that when she looks down and see me, she will say: that's my boy right there. I am proud of him.

No matter what, I will keep on going further knowing too well that life is not all about who is first, second or last, but it is all about who understand it the best and dance to its tune well.

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