Tips that can help enhance personal growth and development

Personal growth and development has to do with a situation whereby one is getting matured by the day.

Growth and Development are two different terms which work together in living things.
Growth can be defined as a process of increasing in size.while development means the process of being matured or developed.

Animals also Undergoes growth and development and this stage is known as metamorphosis.

Studies have shown that human beings can grow and not develop and can also develop and not grow.How do I mean?

Today around the world some children are born with one sickness or the other which in turn affecting their growing,those children stop growing at some point which means they stop increasing in size, some today are funnily called baby adult just because they have a small size. One of the causes of this can be mal_nutrition or diseases which the child was born with,at this point who is to be blamed,is it the parents of the child or the child itself.

Today intending couples are advised to go to different lab checkups such as Hiv/Aids, fertility test, Blood group, genotype etc because contamplilating marriage as this will be very necessary so as not to affect their unborn children.

Sadly, today some couples ignorantly didn't go for all these checkups mentioned above due to illiteracy and ignorance to advice and as such they tend to suffer their unborn innocent kids who knows nothing about the disease.
Please am using this medium to advice intire association of intending couples to please be sure of their health before bringing in another generation in other not to suffer them or make them suffer.

In the word today there's also lack of development in some kids,which is the reduce of maturity in children, similar thing that causes lack of growth also causes lack of development.

Good nutrition too should be encouraged in both children and adults no matter how bad the country looks like today because it encourages physical growth and development,it also helps to fight some diseases in the human body,it also fights infections and bacteria.

Funny enough people don't know that carbon
hydrares is an energy giving food which surplies needed energy to the body.
Protein on it own is a body building food which help to build worn out tissues in the body.

All six classes of food as it important roles in the body and that is why our meal should contain all the six classes of food which is known as balanced diet.

The rate of illiteracy in the country today has made it very difficult for people to know the various tips that will help in personal growth and development.

Government should please provide educational systems so that citizens will have a knowledge of these to avoid unnecessary mistakes and death.

Here are some tips that will help in personal growth and development.They are as follows',

For growth we have,
1)keep learning

  1. volunteer your time
  2. Experience new things and places
    4)Be creative
    5)Make your health a priority.
  3. Evaluate your life
  4. Manage your time
    8)Eat quality and healthy foods which contains balanced diet.

For development we have,
1)Set clear goals

  1. Embrace a good mindsets
  2. Develop a positive attitude
  3. Learn from others
  4. Practice self care
  5. Embrace failure and move on, continue pushing
    7)Take action and not just fold hands.

These are a journey towards becoming the best version of yourself.

This is my post for the monthly prompt

Image one gotten from pixabay source

Last image source pixabay

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